Chapter 1

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Elric cursed as he bandaged the wound in his arm, the red‐haired prince did have a good aim. Moments after he stabbed the witch a spear had a whirled past him, the sharp point cutting a rather deep gash into his arm.

"You imbecile," a deep voice said, sending shivers down his spine, "Like a coward you ran away before killing the host. Now these chains will never let me rise into my true form."

Elric bowed his head in the direction to the voice, his shoulders giving a slight tremble, "I apologize my lord, but if I may remind you. Only two gods have awakened, the other five have yet to pass onto this realm. And I have recently killed the witch that had begun awakening them."

A gap of silence filled between the two before the creature hidden in the darkness spoke again, "Very well then, prevent the others from passing through and stop any matches between a royal and their mate, while I find a host for myself."

The merman absentmindedly rubbed the gash in his arm, "Yes my lord."


The first thing his saw when he arrived at the Emerald Kingdom was the red blood that surrounded the outskirts. Blood thirsty predators swam about, their jagged teeth sinking into the flesh of fallen soldiers from both the Onyx and the Emerald Kingdom. Guilt clenched around his heart.

"Gods," he whispered to himself, "How much damage have I done?"

"We're going to find out," Destan murmured, as they swam over the danger, towards the Emerald Palace. However a loud cry filled with anguish and despair reached their ears.

"Oh no, that's Atlantis," the Diamond King said, their tails propelling them forward towards the coliseum. The sight that greeted the trio was filled with pain, sending Aceso bursting into tears and Destan's shocked expression hiding beneath a stony mask. A red haired merman, one he could assume was called Atlantis hugged a merman's limp form, a gold circlet around his head marking him as royalty. His head was bent, his lips moving, soft whispers echoing throughout the coliseum.

"Please wake up Morgan, please. You promised we would always be together, wake up," Atlantis whimpered, his tears slipping from his eyes and rising towards the surface.

Caspian watched at the Emerald King set a hand on the merman's shoulder, his features pained. The guards standing around the two, protecting them from any oncoming attacks.

"You," a deep voice croaked, making Caspian suddenly aware of a pair of eyes. Golden fire danced in Atlantis's orbs, "All of this is your fault!" the merman cried while grabbing his spear, the tip already stained with blood.

"Atlantis no!" Destan warned, no longer with Aceso but now gripping the spear that threatened to end Caspian's life.

Kai tried to hold the angry merman back, "It wasn't his fault! He was under the influence of an enchantment!"

"It's his fault Morgan's dead!" Atlantis roared, his oppressive gaze nearly suffocating Caspian with guilt.

"He's right," Caspian whispered. He didn't know what made him do what he did next. Grabbing the tip of Atlantis's spear and guided it to his throat, "If it makes him feel lighter at heart to kill me, then kill me he shall," he spoke, his dark eyes never wavering from the golden pair.

For the tiniest second Caspian thought his life would end at that moment but fate had chosen for Aceso to speak in a rather relieved tone, "Atlantis! He's still alive!"

He watched Atlantis's eyes lose their rage and was immediately replaced with a ray of hope. Instantly the merman darted to Morgan's side, his eyes wandering widely over the Diamond Queen, "Can you save him?"

Caspian floated idly above, the Diamond King beside him. Aceso closed her eyes, her webbed hands running over the wound, "I can only do very little. If we were in the human world I could do more but the goddess tells me since we're not fully bonded I can only heal him partially."


Kai watched the Onyx King. Dark marks marred his skin, his sharp features seemed to be forever etched with worry or anger. He knew that King Caspian was not to blame of the attack but the mysterious merman whose nails were sharp as knives. His fist clenched at the memory that happened not to long ago, the pain that Atlantis went through had made his own heart boil in anger. Morgan had been defending his wife, she was safe but at the cost of Atlantis's soft heart. However hope flared in their small group that the chance of Morgan surviving the ordeal floating about them.

"Please Aceso, do whatever you can but please make him well," he heard his brother beg. The future Diamond Queen bit her lip as her hands gingerly touched the two wounds. Her eyes squeezed shut, her webbed hands glowing a soft shade of blue. The glow spread from her hands to all the scales across her body, while Morgan's body floated but never moving from it's place. Kai watched with awe as he saw the glow spread around the merman's body. At that moment he could feel a sense of peace, lightness from any heavy burden however it was only a fleeting moment interrupted by a soft gasp from Aceso, her hands suddenly yanked away from Morgan's body, her own form instantly enveloped by Destan's arms. Two scars remained on the witch's chest which was slowly moving with each take of air.

"What happened?" the Onyx King said, his piercing gaze settling on Morgan and Aceso. Aceso swallowed, her hands clutched close to her chest, "I've healed his wounds but his mind I could not touch. There seems to be some type of barrier that will not let me heal him from the emotional wound. I'm sorry I couldn't do more, the rest is up to him to awaken."

Atlantis pulled Morgan to his chest, "It's alright Aceso. You did what you could," his brother whispered, pressing his lips to the unconscious merman's forehead, "For him, I'll wait to the end of time to awaken."

Kai glanced at the Onyx King, a frustrated look in his features, "Caspian," he called out.

The onyx's gaze turned to him, "Yes?"

"We need to have a discussion."

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