Chapter 2: Merge That'll Cause Hell.

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The weekend flew by faster than light. One minute we were binge watching E.T., and the next Eren was pouring water over my face to wake me up bright and early Monday morning.

"EREN WHAT THE FUCK?!" I screeched as I felt the water seeping into my clothes.

"I tried to wake you up before but you wouldn't budge, so I had to resort to the ultimate procedure." I sighed and looked up at Eren with an icy glare. A wave of fear and panic crossed his face as I slowly got up with my drenched hair in front of my face.

"Eren.." I said in a low growl. He squeaked out a shriek and ran down the hall to his bedroom. I couldn't hold back a smile as I ran after him and found him in his bed, hiding under his covers. I covered my hand with my mouth and walked quietly closer to him.

Everything was quiet. Until I ripped the covers off of him and started tickling him.

"(Y/N)!! No!! Hahahahaha!" I straddled him as I tickled the places I knew would make him freak out. He soon screamed for mercy and I fell beside him, both of us panting.

"That was payback." I turned my back to him as I continued to try to catch my breath. Eren slowly slid his arm around my waist and nuzzled his face in the back of my neck.

"(Y/N)..I lo-" "OH MY GOD EREN!! WE'RE LATE FOR SCHOOL!" I realized and quickly got my school clothes ready. Eren watched me go and slammed his head back against his pillow while he sighed and mentally facepalmed.

"Geez..OI! Wait for me!" Eren yelled as he quickly got dressed for school. I already had my uniform on when Eren came into the living room where I was.

"Ready to go?" I nodded and grabbed my book bag. Eren followed suit and followed me to put our shoes on. We did so and headed out the door to go to school.

(Time Skip)

Soon enough we got to our school, Shiganshina High School. It was just the average high school but held a special place in our hearts.

I hopped up the steps and opened the door for Eren.

"Ladies first." I smirked and stared at him to watch his reaction. Eren looked at me and scoffed. Rolling his eyes, he walked inside followed by me.

I laughed and caught up to him. We started walking to our first class, Biology, when the morning announcements came on.

"Good morning students of Shiganshina High! This morning we have a very important announcement. As of today, senior and junior classes will be merged. Due to renovations the classes will be like so until further notice. Nothing else, thank you." I stopped and turned to Eren.

"They're merging us with the seniors? Oh God." Eren shoved his hands into his pockets.

"Great more people I have to protect you from." I raised my eyebrow and said matter of fact,

"I'll have you know I'm a strong independent woman who can smack a bitch down if I need to." Eren immediately bursted out laughing and pulled me in for a side-hug.

"Just shut up you weirdo."

We both laughed and walked into Biology. The minute we stepped in my eyes fell on a familiar head of raven hair sitting in Eren's seat.


A/N: short chapter. I know you're like THIS IS A LEVI X READER WTF. I know I know I'm just building up Eren's character okay. Next chapter will definitely have some drama and omg Levi sitting in Eren's seat? Nothing good can come out of it!

Levi Ackerman and The Girl Who Stole His Heart (Levi x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now