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There were better ways to start days, most days, any days in fact. Waking up to sunny weather, and then spending the day lazing around, or going anywhere but to school. But waking up to sunny weather, knowing that the day would be spent in school, a new school at that, was something of an insult; like the weather was cruelly playing a trick, purposely being nice just to rub it in that it couldn't be enjoyed, at least not fully when within school.

As far as first days went, being suddenly at the front of a small class of children of a similar age, eight year old Annie Lockett shifted about while Ms Rampling introduced her to the class. The class sat all eager eyed and listening intently, they were looking at Annie like she was some new, and unknown species.

She supposed that newcomers weren't a common thing around these parts. So, she wasn't only a new, unknown species, but also an endangered species to boot. Well wasn't this just going to be great? And here she hoped, or at least a small part of her deep, deep, deep down hoped she could just blend in without trouble. Or, well, hardly any trouble that is.

To be fair, Annie didn't wish to be here. Moving from Gotham had annoyed her as much today, as it did when her parents first suggested the idea. They didn't wish to bring their child up in a city which was so plagued with darkness and crime, that they'd upped sticks and moved to the middle of nowhere. Annie didn't have a say in it, her reasons for staying were deemed ridiculous. Yes, because leaving whatever friends she had behind was ridiculous. She knew Gotham, Gotham was her city, she could admit it wasn't the best. But then every city had problems if one looked hard enough.

Annie believed Smallville, Kansas, truly was the middle of nowhere. In comparison to the big city which was Gotham, it was virtually a black hole. Nothing came in, and nothing left. Which was quite a good analogy considering how the children looked at her; so she believed she had the confirmation and the signs enough to show she was right. Smallville, Kansas, was a black hole of nothing.

Be fair, she'd only been here for the weekend, and so far, she was rather unamused by all of it. It was so small, so much open space...farmland and nothing, cornfields, and nothing, it was all very much the same view throughout most of the small black hole of a town; the town itself was so minimal she didn't think it could even be classed as one; not that she knew what constituted to somewhere somehow managing to be classed as a town. She realised she did sound partially selfish and stuck up; as if anyone could be stuck up from the dingy part of Gotham she came from. But she was just used to the hustle and bustle of city life, not this. Culture shock was putting it lightly.

Annie snapped out of her thoughts and stopped looking at the learning charts on the nearby wall when a gentle hand was placed against her back. She looked up at the curly brunette haired teacher, Ms Rampling's brown eyes stared kindly down at her. So, she had blanked out of the teacher asking something of her. No guessing what, with reluctance Annie sucked in a breath and let it out slowly. "I'm Annie, I moved from Gotham, hello." That was it. She wasn't exactly going to further on from what the bushy haired teacher had already said. She had seemed to make introductions so much better. Actually, with how enthusiastic Ms Rampling tried to sound, Annie couldn't help but wonder if she was trying to rally the class to actually be friendly to her. To be friends with her, was probably more accurate.

Annie was zoning in and out enough to register what was said. The teacher had addressed the class with a smile and a softly spoken voice. "Good morning class," she got a good morning sent back at her for this. "This is Annie Lockett, as of today, she will be joining us, so be sure to make her feel welcome. She's moved down here with her family from a big city, so be sure to help her out if she needs it. Let us show some of that hospitality that we're known for." And that was precisely when Annie seemed to get prompted to introduce more of herself, and look how that bombed.

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