When all Hope is Lost (One-shot)

Start from the beginning

“You’re the only person who knows I’m back home. I need you to keep your mouth shut and not tell anyone I’m in Salem Village,” he said seriously. He didn’t know if he should trust Lucy because she’d already betrayed his sister by believing her to be a witch. He desperately hoped she wouldn’t betray him.

“Why mustn’t I tell anyone?” she wondered.

“Remember when I saved your younger brother from drowning in the river?” he asked, looking at her with pleading eyes. She nodded, giving him a small but grateful smile. “Please don’t tell anyone Lucy… because I saved your brother. If I hadn’t been there to save him, you would’ve done anything to help him, correct?” She nodded again. Gabriel continued, “then understand I will do anything to help my sister. Please keep this a secret.”

Lucy bit her lower lip and finally said, “I’ll never tell a soul.”

He sighed, relieved, and got back on his horse. “Thank you.” With that said, Gabriel and his horse quickly galloped away. He hoped no one would recognize him because of night’s cloak of darkness and the pouring rain.

It was the night before Annabel’s hanging and Seth Evans had one more chance to convince the guards to let him visit her. Every night since she’d been in prison, Seth went and tried to talk to her but was denied by the guards. Even so, he didn’t give up and now he had one last chance.

This particular night it was raining heavily, soaking him and his horse from head to toe. That didn’t matter to him, though. He was determined to get to the prison.

In his heart he knew it would make no difference if he talked to Annabel or not- either way tomorrow at noon she would be hanged.

The prison was in view when Seth noticed him. A very familiar man with blonde hair and a beard was riding his horse next to him. Seth gasped when he realized who this man was. “Gabriel Cardwell?” he shouted, slowing his horse to a stop.

The man stopped his horse from continuing farther as well. His bright green eyes met Seth’s brown eyes. “Seth? Seth Evans?” he said loudly.

Seth nodded, happy and confused at the same time. He hadn’t seen or heard from Gabriel in two years, not since he left Salem Village. He wondered if Gabriel was back in town because he’d heard about his sister.

“It’s good to see you,” Seth said to his old friend. “What brings you here?” He gestured to the prison.

“Annabel.” Gabriel’s reply was short but Seth knew exactly what it meant. He could see the fear in his eyes, Gabriel was scared. And knowing Gabriel, Seth knew he would never let anything bad happen to his sister.

“Come, let us get out of this rain,” Seth told him.

At first Gabriel was frustrated that he’d been recognized, but that anger vanished immediately when he saw that it was Seth who’d spotted him. Gabriel thought of Seth like a brother. They were friends that cared for each other as if they were family. Gabriel was positive Seth would help him save Annabel.

Once the two men were sitting in Seth’s living room, they started talking. Gabriel explained he’d been on his way to the prison in hopes of seeing Annabel. Seth told him about the cruel guards that wouldn’t allow visitors. Gabriel made it clear he wanted to save his sister and Seth agreed to help him do so.

For the rest of the night, they stayed awake plotting, finally agreeing on a plan of action by morning.

It was twenty minutes until noon and Gabriel and Seth were waiting in the path to Gallows Hill, where they knew Annabel would be escorted by two men any second.

“Are you sure about this? If this doesn’t work, you and Annabel will surely be killed,” Seth said gravely.

“I’m not afraid,” Gabriel said, sounding like he was trying to convince himself more than Seth.

Seth nodded once and ran back to Gabriel’s horse close by. Gabriel hid behind a tree when he saw Annabel and the two guards walking down the path.

Annabel looked awful, she looked weak and like she hadn’t bathed in months. Her hands were bound with rope and she had cloth covering her eyes. One of the men was pulling her forward, while the other was behind her.

This sight only angered Gabriel further. He jumped out of his hiding place and tackled the man that was holding Annabel’s wrists. The man groaned in pain as Gabriel kneed him. The plan wouldn’t have worked if Gabriel didn’t have the element of surprise but with it, he somehow managed to knock both of the men out.

“Come with me, Anna.” He all but picked his sister up and started running.

“Gabriel?” she said in a small voice filled with confusion and disbelief.

“You’re safe now. Don’t worry.”

When they met Seth waiting with the horse, Gabriel mounted up while Seth helped Annabel get the blindfold off. They were ready to go once Annabel was up with her brother.

“Safe travels, my friends. Maybe one day we’ll meet again,” Seth said before the horse started moving.

It took them four days to get to their destination. Occasionally they stopped to rest, eat, and to make sure they weren’t being followed. Gabriel knew the area well because he’d just come from their uncle’s farm. The entire way there, Annabel never stopped thanking her brother.

Eventually, Gabriel and Annabel arrived to their father’s brother’s farm safely. Their uncle was greatly surprised, but he was a kind man so he allowed them both to live with him. Actually, their uncle was happy to have the company and of course he was happy to have a helping hand for his crops.

Annabel didn’t feel safe again for a very long time. Even after she and her brother changed their names she was paranoid, worried someone from Salem Village would come and take her away. She sometimes cried herself to sleep and had nightmares every night.

When the Salem Witch Trials ended, Seth surprised them both by visiting the farm. He told them what happened after they left town. At first the whole town was hysterical, everyone was searching for them both.

“No one is looking for you. You don’t have to hide anymore,” Seth said excitedly, widely grinning.

Annabel never forgot the feeling- what it was like waiting for death. She never forgot, but she did move past it.

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