Lack of motivation

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"Get out Dean" I told him annoyed. "So your saying you don't miss me? You don't miss the way I make you feel when my dick is deep inside you?" I cringed at his words. "Get the fuck out!" I now yelled at him. He didn't move. "No. Like I said your mine. Also your not going anywhere but home with me. We are going to talk about this and everything will be fine..." He began to raise his voice "AND YOU WILL FUCKING STOP BEING SO STUBBORN AND JUST LET US BE HAPPY TOGETHER!" I sarcastically began to laugh. Dean's face turned cold and angry. "You think we can ever be happy together? Your not only jealous but you think I am an object that can be claimed. You got pissed over something that happened before I even met you. You fucking get angry over the smallest things! Not only that Dean but you think your entitled. You think you can boss me around and pressure me into a relationship with you. Your a fucking criminal and one day you are going to get yourself killed" I began to yell almost hysterically as tears fell rapidly. I clung onto my steering wheel as I yelled staring forward. I couldn't look at him. It hurt too much. "Do you really think i wanna be around to see that?! I would rather not know you then bare witness to that!" my breathing became heavy, I couldn't control all the hurt pouring out of me. I held it in all week and what I denied I was feeling was finally pouring out. I leaned down to the floor for my handbag. I rummaged through it for a tissue but as I struggled to find one my bottle of pills fell out and landed in Dean's lap. He stayed silent the whole time I had a hissy fit at him. Not once did he interrupt me and now his silence was unbearable. He picked up the bottle and turned it round so the label was in his sight. I clenched my eyes shut begging, praying god they we're my pain killers that had fallen out. "Your on anti depressants? How long have you been taking these?" I didn't say a word. I kept my eyes closed and pointed my face down so i would have been looking down at my lap. "Cassie?! How long have you been taking these?" I opened my eyes and kept my face down. "I don't know what your talking about" I tried. I always had been a bad liar when it came to people close to me. "They have your name on them. And prozac is a big thing. These pills can make you worse! Are you on these because of me? Have I caused this?" I shook my head no. "I just needed something to help stop the pain" I sobbed out honestly. 

I never really got the exact reason why I was taking them but a part of the pain was being alone. Ironic huh? All these years of distancing myself from anyone who got close, friend's, would be lovers, had finally caught up with me. I had made myself a depressed mess. We both stayed silent for a few moments longer when I started my car. The engine hummed as I stared out into the road as we we're still parked. "So when you say your's do you mean Seth's or Roman's?" I asked thinking he lived between their places. "Neither. I'll direct you" I nodded as I pulled out into the road fully. We both stayed silent accept for Dean telling me when to turn directing me to the opposite side of town to where I had always lived. We pulled onto a street perfect for family life. When Dean told me to pull over I looked around a bit confused. I never expected Dean to live on a nice street like this. Every house perfectly set with perfect tidy garden's. The house we had parked up outside of was no exception. It was just as lovely as the others. Dean got out the car and I copied his motion. Without saying a word he took my hand and led me up the paved path. I waited as he found his keys out and unlocked the door. A smell of spring hit me full force. It didn't smell like a manly place at all but like how a well looked after home would when a house wife would spend all day cleaning. It reminded me of home, it reminded me of my mom who I cut off years ago. "Put your shoes there, I'll take your coat" Dean pointed to a shoe rack filled with all his boots and skate shoes. I did as he said and slipped my heels off placing them on the only empty space. I never knew Dean was so house proud. Just the entrance hall alone was well set and decorated. It felt warm and inviting. It was definitely his home with all the pictures of himself and who I suspect to be family on the walls. Once he took my coat and hung it up he led me into a front room. I sat down on one of the two sofa's and continued to look around taking in the settings.

You don't own me (A Dean Ambrose fanfic smut)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat