"I forgot you had something against him," she said with a scoff.

"I don't have anything against him," Milah denied, "In other news, did you know that Hakeem is taking a new wife?" gasping in mock horror he turned to his sister and asked "Did his first wife die?".

"No, she didn't, Hakeem got promoted at the silk place so..." nodding his head in daze " I still don't see his need for another wife" Milah replied looking at the ceiling.

"Leave that let us talk about Thabit" groaning he turned around in the bed avoiding Anai's face.

"Milah, you know how grandma is she will make you marry him" Anai said softly caressing his back slowly, now she says the truth.

"I know Anai but..." he trailed with a sigh "You don't love him" Anai completed his sentence. "Just keep your mind open, you just might like him". "I will".

He was alone in the room when he remembered that he still hadn't returned the clothes that Alia had given him, he had brought it with him so he could give it back.

Milah did not feel comfortable about having the clothes with him.

Thabit surely did not love him, he never really showed any signs of attraction in Milah so he could not fathom the fact that Thabit loved him.

He felt scorned that Thabit hadn't talked to him about this before coming to his family.

However, he understood that customs did not care about his opinions as long as his family agreed to the union.

"Milah...did you at least bring me some wine" he heard his uncle say from behind the door, as he said before his uncle has questionable priorities.

Chuckling he went to the door and opened it to see his uncle with arms folded in front of him. "No, I did not, sorry" he replied not feeling sorry in the slightest.

"I thought so" his uncle murmured before walking away in slow staggering steps, "Good to see you too uncle" he replied and chuckled when his uncle raised an arm in a sluggish wave.

At least he did not bother him about marriage.

"Grandma, I am leaving" he said in front of her door, he could hear shuffling before the door opened to reveal his grandmother.

"Why so soon?" she asked with a little frown, "The celebrations will soon be over so I need to be there" he replied with a frown.

"Oh, come here darling" she said as she opened her arms to hug him "Don't forget what I said" she whispered in his ears sending a chill down his spine.

"The children will miss you" Anai said as she hugged him tightly, "I will miss you too" he replied hugging her with all his might, he had already said goodbye to Kasim so he left not looking back.

He went to Alia's shop first before anything and if he lost his way five times nobody needed to know.

He was about to enter the wrong street when he saw her shop, sighing in relief he crossed the road avoiding people in his way.

Most of the dresses he had seen in her place the last time he was here were all gone, replaced with new outfits.

"Alia" he said as he entered the shop, "Ah, Milah Nefertiti's friend" he heard Alia's familiar voice say on his left, turning in that direction he smiled when he saw her.

"Good afternoon" he greeted her after they hugged, Milah did not understand why he was getting so many hugs lately.

"What can I do for you?" Alia asked as they sat down on the benches one of her maidens brought out, thrusting the sack of clothes to her he replied, "I wanted to return this, I never wore them".

"Why are you returning it?" Alia asked with a frown on her face, "I promised to wear it but I didn't, and now I feel very uncomfortable having something that isn't mine to keep" he replied, his heart aching with each word as Alia's frown deepened.

"I gave it to you Milah, it is yours now" Alia replied softly pushing the sack back into his chest, covering his hands with hers she said, "Akin's do not take back gifts".

Sighing he realized that this was a battle he lost; he nodded in defeat and got up to leave.

"Where do you live?" Alia asked as she walked him to the door, "On the palace grounds, with Nefertiti" he replied as he strapped the sack to his back.

"So if I wanted to see you?" she asked making Milah raise an eyebrow, he really hoped she was not intending what his whorish mind was thinking.

"I live in the slave quarters, just ask around for me" he replied as if he was as popular as that. "My regards to your friend Nefertiti" Alia said as she waved him off.

The walk to the palace was a short one as he had so much on his mind; the street was mostly littered with wasted food, and the loud noise of children playing.

The atmosphere was of that of laziness, the energy used for the feast has left them and even the vendor owners did not seem in the mood to shout.

It has been a long while since the streets of Cairo was this quiet; it was refreshing. Unusual but refreshing.

Milah felt giddy after his visit to Alia's shop, he was still in high spirits when he passed through the gates when he remembered that he had not seen Thabit anywhere.

Milah could not decide whether or not to confront him.

He was making his way to his room when he remembered that he had a spat with Nefertiti and they never settled it.

Sighing he rested his back on the wall as he tried to think of his next line of action. Deciding to go to his grave early, he made his way to his room.

"Nefertiti" he said in front of the door before the peeped in feeling incredibly ashamed of himself for being so scared.

"Where have you been?" he heard a voice say in his right and he jumped an undignified yell falling out of his lips, he refused to be ashamed however. He was a man!

"Uh, well my family's home" he replied as he gathered the courage to look her in the eyes. "How did you get this?" he heard her say, lifting his eyes to look at her he gasped when he saw the necklace Khal had given him before he left.

"Khal gave it to me" he replied moving to retrieve it from her grasp when she pulled it back.

"And how did Khal get it, um?" she asked with her kohl rimmed eyes narrowed in question, "He said his mother gave it to him" Milah replied with a sigh when he remembered that Nefertiti had never seen it before.

"This is the necklace of Queen Aisha, the one prince Khaldun was given" Milah gasped as his eyes opened widely.

"What?" he asked as he shook his head, No no, Khal gave that to him and his Khal was not a thief.

"So what I want to know is what this necklace is doing in your possession," Nefertiti said with a crooked smile.


Her Royal Awesomeness: I always knew what role Nefertiti played in Milah's life, I think I started hating her in chapter four, I am sorry to those who actually liked her *side eyes*.

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