壹 // the past

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im imagining this as the setting idk

set in the far future

"No you can't stay!" the boy with dark hair shouted shoving the younger out, with an angry face but concern unlike anything one might of seen was in his eyes.  Jungkook looked at the boy who he had long forgotten as he ran away abandoning the life he had led for four years.

Jungkook jolted awake "that dream again..."  He didn't remember past that, he remembered those twenty days in the cold rain of the neon city, starving having to do nothing but sit on the side of the metal sidewalk as pedestrians would pass, some tossing currency at his little four year self.  The people soared the constant dark skies, over the electric, neon lights that were flashing everywhere.  It wasn't until the woman in the gold purple dress had thrown a rock at him and jeered at him, calling him a dirty vermin, a street urchin, and other vulgar words he hadn't understood but understood how it was supposed to make him feel.  He cried for hours, because he had never felt hurt like this before.  he decided that enough was enough and shut off any emotion and spent the next three years training himself to survive in this harsh environment.

One day he was getting severely hurt due to single handedly trying to take down a small underground gang.  he had taken down all but four reinforcements came and was starting to beat him up when another band of five young boys, no younger than him came and helped him as one came over to him and aided to his wounds who he later learned was Jin.  These boys became his new family as they took care of each other for the next ten years, through the struggles to survive in the underground.

They became a secluded circle.

The gang people rarely saw but was composed of geniuses making them the most dangerous mafia gang, composed of hitmen of the underground

They were the the lost boys.  Jin the healer, J-hope the hacker, Namjoon the leader and chemist, V the martial artist, Jimin the con artist, And Jungkook the assassin.

They started to survive but now were killing people as a service for the higher ups for currency.

Jimin hyung stirred in his sleep in the bunk underneath his.  Jungkook's  job for today was one they had been planning for months.  The famous Min Ki Young, who was notorious for using children as slaves.  It wasn't a surprise people wanted him gone.  He was extremely rich with a high bounty on his head.  Maybe this time he could buy new guns with the money.


Within the next two hours he found himself strapped with two blades in his boot, taehyung already out in the field, knocking out guards.  Jimin, in an elegant suit had new orange colored hair and green contacts to pose as one of the guests to work from the inside.  Namjoon was back at base with Jin and J-hope.  Namjoon was going to lead them through the plan and supplied with a simple natural poison gas so it would seem that Min Ki Young had died of an heart attack.  J-hope was to put down security in a scattered way to throw off security.  They didn't usually crash parties but it was impossible not to when the guy nearly had a party every night. 

Today was on occasion of his first son, Min Yoongi's twentieth birthday.

Jungkook headed to the side of the house, quickly scaling the wall as hoseok turned off the security cameras strategically so it would look like a glitch.  He climbed up to the glass roof. This was going to be interesting.

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