"Did they ever tell you when you will be released?" I asked as we walked back to the car. I never learned how to drive a car. It scared me to operate a moving vehicle.

    "The Gemini Coven is no Emily Bennett. I don't think they ever will. Although, I found the ascendant for this prison world about three years ago. It still won't work. We need a Bennett witch's blood to activate it." He set aside the bag of pork rinds he was eating. "Be a dear and hold this."

    "So are you saying we will be here forever?"

    "Well yeah, what are the chances of a Bennett witch taking a vacation here?" He sighed. "Now feed me pork rinds, this topic has got me feeling depressed."

    I fed him a pork rind, my finger slightly brushing his lower lip. I never had a romantic relationship, although I did have many suitors. But my father said they were no good. He wanted me to marry into a wealthy family or with one of the members of the Founding Families.

    "How could you eat this? It tastes foul." I scrunched my nose.

    "Don't tell me you ate one."

    "Okay, then I shall not." I smiled looking out the window. This side of Kai was better than the one I met yesterday. I realized he had constant mood changes.

    "Why did you show sympathy to those vampires you saved?" He asked.

   "I felt remorse. Everyone deserves a second chance. People should not be sentenced to death because of one wrongdoing. They should be punished and then forgiven. I wanted them to have a second chance. They told me they never wanted to be vampires. I saw the grief in their eyes when they told me that, so I guessed the best thing I could do for them was to provide a way to help them escape."

    "That must be the most tragic story I have ever heard. You could have lived a normal life, but you got stuck in a prison world because of two vampires who are dead right now. You wasted your time trying to save them." Kai said, shaking his head.

    "Those events lead up to my greatest memories. If you think I regret my choices, you are mistaken. If I was given the chance to relive that day, I would do it all over again."

    "I agree. If I was given a chance to kill my family, I would do it again."

    "You are a psycho," I said. 

    "Says the girl who is happy go lucky about the whole prison world situation. They're the reason you're in here. I don't believe that you're okay with it."

    "They aren't the reason I'm in here," I said looking down at my fingers.

    "They aren't the reason I'm in here," I said looking down at my fingers

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