Chapter 10

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I block out the sounds of my mum and Gemma crying and yelling for me to stop.

"So, Marcel, if that's even your name. Should I call you Harry?" He sluggishly swung a punch. I dodge it, thanking my lucky stars he was drunk.

In the past I had learned some boxing moves from my uncle. He told me to use them against the bullies, but I never did. I was always too afraid they were stronger.

"You got lucky there punk!" He throws another punch. I avoid it. "Too bad you're not as easy to hit as your sister!"

That's when I snapped.

I grabbed that drunk fool and threw him onto the ground, losing my glasses. I didn't care, I was close enough to see his face. I began throwing punch after punch, elbows, knees, fists, blood. I didn't know how long I had beat him. I felt a hand on my shoulder as my mum pulled me away.

Gemma sobbed "How could you? You're going to kill him! He's only drunk, he didn't know!"

Then I felt the pain. Not just the pain from the broken hand, but the pain of a broken heart. Next thing I know, things got dizzy.

The last thing I saw was my mother's sobbing face.

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