Let's go nutmeg people

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Third p.o.v

Today they were going to their training and Chloe was really excited to see spirit train. "Mom I'm so happy to get to see you and Mommy to train" said Chloe with pure excitement. "I'm glad do you want to practice with the middies"? Asked Ash. "Yes please I get to nutmeg people" Chloe said mischievously. "Ok sweetheart let's get going" said Ali. They get in the car and Chloe asks to turn up the radio. Ash does and the best song ever comes up... Centuries by Fall Out Boy. (Guys I love this song so don't judge😊). "Mom you and Mommy are legends you guys basically slay the soccer field" said Chloe. "Well thank you sweetie and you will be too in about 6 years" said Ali. "Yea,  I will  nutmeg people left and right like Tobin" says Chloe. "Kiddo what's with you and nutmeging people" ask Ash. "I don't know I guess because I really want to be like Tobin really skillful and confident" said Chloe. "Oh OK" said Ash.

Time skip, practice

They soon got to practice and went to the locker room. "Sup guys" said Crystal. "Sup  guys you know Chloe right" Ash said. "Yea she is really chill I heard" says Crystal. "Yea I am" said Chloe. "Guys we need to head out and warm up and start practice" said Ali(I think she could've been a GREAT caption). They all headed out for practice. Chloe just followed!her Mommy out to the field she had on her custom Hyper Venoms, they were volt, white, and black. "Hey Chlo let's go nutmeg people" said Ali. "Ok sure" She replied. They went and Chloe began to meg everybody in her way. "That was fun" Chloe yelled. "Hey kiddo want to do 1v1 with the team"? Ashlyn asked. "Yes" she said. They got in groups and began. Chloe was next and was against Crystal. "Let's go kiddo" Ash yelled. "Why so I can score on you" Chloe replied. "Bring it" Ash yelled. She dribbled the ball and did a rainbow flick over Crystal and went. She was up against her mom, she shot the ball with her right inside and it bended in the goal. Ash guessed right but missed. "Yes" Chloe yelled. She dabbed and did her fav move: the official Megan Rapinoe move. "Big celebration kiddo" Ash said. "I know it was meant to be" she replied. Soon they were done and heading home. "Great practice you two" said Ali. "Thanks, can we go to Starbucks" asked Chloe. "No because we are going to our fav place" said Ash. "Georgetown" said Ali. "Cool I want coffee" said Chloe. They got there and ordered. Chloe got a latte instead of coffee with whipped cream and chocolate chip cookies, Ash got her usual coffee and so did Ali. They got home and Chloe laid on her bed. "Guess what kiddo" said Ash. "What" said Chloe. "You'll see follow us" Ali said picking up Snapples......

Sorry for the cliffhanger😏😏 Plz comment and leave guesses on what it is. Plz VOTE PLZZZ. Ttyl😘😘

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