First Day of School

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Chloe's p.o.v

Today was my first day of school and I was super excited for the day! "Chloe time to get up for school" I heard my mommy say. "Ok I'm up" I said back. I got up and I got my clothes out for the day. I got out some white skinny jean and my moms black goalie jersey and white vans(😁). I put it on and head out to the kitchen and smell pancakes. "Mm pancakes yay" I say. I grabbed a plate and put some cut banana slices on the top with syrup. I ate my food and drank a Starbucks frappe. "Chloe let's go you need to get to school" my Mom said. "OK let me grab my stuff" I headed up stairs and got my book bag and laptop bag and went downstairs. "OK I'm ready" I said. "Cool nice outfit kiddo" said mom. "Thanks I'm kinda nervous" I said. I was feeling nervous. "It's okay just be chill like you always are" she said. "Mhm okay I will" I said. We drive along the roads and we get there. My mom drive in the parking lot and gives me a big hug. "Okay kiddo have a awesome day don't be rude , make friends and have fun" she said. "I definitely will, see you later Mom love you" I said. "Love you too" she said. I got out and headed inside. I walked and first thing is I go to my locker. I got there and saw a girl with tan skin and dirty blonde hair. "Hi my name is Hannah Patterson and I will be helping you out today, most of us already know how the school is but I'm going to help" she said. "Hi my name is Chloe and its nice to meet you thank you for the help" I said. "Welcome glad I can, so do you want to sit with me at lunch today and what's you schedule" she said all at once. "Um, sure and let's see, I have English homeroom, science, math, history, and gym last" I say. "No way I have the same schedule that's so cool" she said. "Yeah it is let me put my stuff up" I say. I put my stuff up and the person I hoped not to see comes by passed me but unfortunately stopped. "Oh look if it isn't the new girl Chloe" she said. "Oh hi Clara yeah this is Chloe how do you know her" Hannah asked. "We ran into each other getting our schedules" she said. "Oh cool" she said. The bell rang and I was so glad it did. "Well look at that the bell let's go Hannah" I said quickly. "Bye Cleo" said Clara. "I don't like being called that and it's not my name" I said. "Whatever" she said. I only liked when Megan Rapinoe called me that. "I don't like her" I said to Hannah. "Eh we're cool" she said. We got to class and Hannah walked straight to this girl with brown hair and red streaks. "Sup Isabella this is my friend Chloe she is new here" Hannah said. "Cool hi my name is Isabella but call me Izzy or Bella" she said. "Cool so are you guys doing any extras, I'm doing soccer" I said. "Really I'm doling soccer too, well trying out for the team, what position do you play, I'm a defender" Bella said. "I play midfield" I said. 'I play goalie" Hannah said. Class came and went and came and went. Soon it was time for lunch. I went to the cafe and bucks got a cinnamon roll and a Starbucks vanilla bean mocha. I headed to the really comfy looking chairs. I sat beside Bella and Hannah. "Hey guys this is Chloe and she plays soccer, Chloe this is the team this is Sinclair, Ava, Hannah Jackson call me HP, Scottlyn, Kirsten, Emily, and last Emma" Hannah said. They all said hi and went back to their conversations. Unfortunately the person I really didn't want see came up. Sinclair and Bella went up to meet her. "What do you want Clara" Sinclair said. "Hello to you too Sincy I'm here to tell Chloe where her place is"she said. "What do you mean" asked HP. "Seriously you guys don't know, she's Ashlyn and Ali Krieger-Harris' daughter" she said smugly. "Really no way are you Chloe"asked Sinclair. "Uh yeah I am, I was going to tell you but not in front of everyone wanna hang out after school" I said. "Oh cool" said HP We went to our last two classes and school was finally over. "Hey I see my mom out there wanna come" I say to HP and Bella. "Sure my Mom said just say where you ate" said HP. "Same here" Bella said. We go to my Mom's Jeep and I see my Mommy too. "Hey Mom and Mommy sup" I said. "Hey kiddo how was you day" asked my mom. "Good, guys these are my mother's and moms this is Bella and HP or Hannah Patterson can they come hang out we are going to do HW and practice soccer" I said. "Hi nice to meet you" said Hannah. "Hi" said Bella. We got in the car and questions started. "So what positions do you guys play" asked my Mommy. "I play defender" said Bella. "I play goalie" said HP. "Cool that is great I think we can give you guys some pointers ya think" said Mom. "Sure that would be great" said Bella. We got home and HP, Bella and I went into my entertainment center. We did HW and played soccer. My mom's gave pointers and stuff. I would say we had a great time.

Time skip dinner.

I sit at the table with my mom's and eat dinner, pasta and salad. "I like this school very much" I said. "I'm glad sweetheart are you OK with the people knowing about you being our daughter" my Mommy asked. "Yeah but this really mean girl I told you about Clara is so jealous about it she bullies me" I said. "Oh we will talk to her parents" said Mom. "Ok love you guys so much goodnight" I said. "Night sweetie love you too" my Mommy said. I went to my room and cuddled with Snapples. I read !y book for about 20 minutes. Snapples went to his little bed and went to sleep. I went to sleep too. I think this year will be pretty great and interesting.

Hola hope you guys liked. Do you think I should skip past alot of the year and go to Rio or keep going?? PLZZ VOTE AND COMMENT!!!!! Ttyl😘😘

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