Never judge the book by it's cover

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Third p.o.v

It's been 3 months at school and Chloe was still getting bullied by Clara. Clara had spilled coffee, juice, and water on her already. Chloe couldn't think of what was coming next. She woke up and got herself ready for school. She put on a comfy red v-neck white jeans and all red high top converse. She walked down stairs and found her mom's talking at the table with coffee. "Oh, hey sweetheart" said Ali. "Hey Mommy" she said. "Listen Chlo, we told Clara's parents about what she's been doing and you guys are going to talk out your differences and get to know each other better" said Ali. "Um OK when" Chloe said. "It's going to be during soccer practice because you really won't be playing these last few games, we have camp" said Ash. "Aw, but OK I guess" said Chloe. She sat down and ate breakfast, French toast and milk. She finished and grabbed her book bag and headed out to meet HP and Sinclair since they lived closest and rode the bus. "Hey guys guess what" she said. "What happened is it about Clara" asked Sinclair. "Yeah, my mom's are making me talk to her and get to know her better and I have to miss practice" Chloe said. "You'll be okay besides you won't be here because of your mom's training" HP said. "Ugh I know but I get to see the team again so yeah" she said. "I wish you good luck because you need it, now let's get on this bus" said Sinclair. They got on the bus and sat and talked and posted pics. They got to school headed to their lockers and met up with Bella and Scottlyn. "Sup guys so what's new" Scottlyn asked. "Well i m stuck with talking to Clara and getting to know her better during practice" said Chloe. "Ha , well good luck" said Bella. They got to class and found Clara waiting for them. "What do you want" said Sinclair. "I'm just reminding Chloe about our talk that's coming this afternoon" said Clara. "Ugh just leave me alone about it I'm not looking forward to it as much as you are so get over it" Chloe said. "Whatever just don't tell anyone else" said Clara. That got the girls attention. They left it alone and class started. "Class today there will be 3 sheets of the you will have for tonight" said their teacher. The class groaned and got their stuff and headed back. Class went on and on and it was time for lunch. The group of girls went to their usual spot after getting their lunches from the cafe. They all got a sandwich and chips. They were all eating when Hannah Jackson asked a pretty good question. "What are we going to do without our really good attacking midfielder" she asked. "Hey you have another good one you know" Emma said clearly offended. "Sorry just asked" said Hannah. They continued on with luch and random conversations. It was soon time to go back to class. In class they got more and more HW.

Time skip the talk.....

"Ok guys see you later" Chloe said as she walked off and got ready to talk to Clara. She got to the room and Clara was already there. "So why are you bullying me" Chloe asked. "Cause I can" she replied. "That's not a real answer so why" Chloe asked again. "Because I'm jealous OK, you have the most perfect life ever, I used too but you know what happened" said Clara getting tears in her eyes. "My parents are horrible they start to hit me and they get drunk and yell at me and tell me to get out their life" Clara says. She starts crying and Chloe is feeling sad. She didn't know it was this bad. "I'm so sorry I didn't know that" she said. "Do you wanna know what happened to me before I was adopted" she said. "Yea I do" she asked. "Well my parents both died instantly from cancer when I was 5 and it was horrible, so I was put in a home where there was 4 other kids who were biologically the kids to their parents, they would always bully me and pretended that I was nothing they hit me and one day they tried to hurt me with a knife" she said. They were both in tears now. "So I ran away and a nice lady found me and took care of me she made sure I was healthy and okay, then that's when I got adopted and I was the happiest person alive" she said crying. "Wow I didn't know your story was like that I'm sorry the way I treated you, I hope we can be friends" said Clara. "Of course we can, I think my mom's are going to handle that situation about your parents" Chloe said. "What do you mean" she asked. "You'll see now come on let's go to my place" Chloe said. "Um, OK" she said.

At Chloe's house...

They arrived at Chloe's house. Chloe found her mom's and if she can talk to them. "So this is Clara and we talked turned out her family isn't so great and her parents are abusive" Chloe said. "Aw sweetheart I'm so sorry to hear that" said Ali. "So I have an idea that can solve that" said Chloe. Chloe then whispered in her Mom and Mommy's ear. "That's a great idea Chloe sure we can," said Ash. "What's the idea" asked Clara. "Well we are going to adopt you to away from your parent and you can be apart of our family too" said Ali. "What, really no way, you guys are so nice I can't believe it" she said with tears in her eyes again. "Thank you so much" she said. "Your welcome I don't think you deserve to treated that way" said Ash. They went to her house and called the police. Clara's parents went to jail and Clara was glad. She even said sayonara to them. Soon they had a nice family and school was going great Chloe had a sister and 2 awesome parents. Next up was Rio and they couldn't wait.

I hope you guys like it!! PLZZ comment and vote. Send in some requests as anacsoccer and I write this story. Up top is the pis of Chloe and Clara. Chloe is on the left Clara on the right. Hope you are enjoying this story!! Ttyl😘😘

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