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I sighed as my feet finally hit the pavement and I stretched. I was here, finally in London. Myself and three friends have decided we would come to London to study at University. It was just a life long dream we have had. 

"Erin!" I looked to the general direction to where my name had been called from. The three friends I had just spoke of where standing in the airport waiting for me. I ran and caught up to them, nearly vibrating with excitement. 

"So guys, what should we do first? I think we should just wander for a bit, get used to everything." Katie spoke up, taking charge since no one else had been. 

"We can map out what we want to do after we go to our new apartment, or should I say 'flat'?" Ariel said causing us all to giggle as we began to move through the airport, stopping at the baggage claim to grab our bags. We had shipped everything major to our apartment a few weeks ago. 

"Hey guys! I think we should go to a duck pond and feed the ducks!" Becca exclaimed with a hop in her step, causing her slight curls to bounce. She seemed to be more excited about seeing ducks, than she was about being in London.

"I am thinking of going to a Zoo actually. I heard they have this really cool zoo here in London, it's like the world's oldest scientific zoo, or something." I really just wanted to go to see cute animals and hopefully some hot guys. 

Ariel hailed a cab and we all gathered in. She gave the cabbie our new address. "I really think we should go visit an arcade, those are lots of fun!" Of course Ariel wanted to visit an arcade, here we are in London and she wants to do exactly what she did back at home. I chuckled to myself silently. 

"I kind of want to go on the tube." Katie laughed and kept mumbling 'tube' to herself.  The way she said it made the rest of us break down into a big fit of giggles. Of course as soon as the giggles started they didn't stop. Even after we got out of the Cab and Ariel paid the cabbie we were still laughing, even as we grabbed our luggage from the back of the cab. No one even really knew what we were laughing about, but that didn't stop us.

The fits of laughter slowly died down as we entered the knew building we lived in. Sadly we lived all the way on the 34th floor. Thankfully the elevator worked though. We all climbed in the spacey elevator and Becca pushed our floors button. We all looked at each other excitedly as the elevator started up. 

When we reached the floor and the elevator's doors opened, rather slowly might I add. We all scrambled to get to our new apartment. Excited to choose rooms and start a life on our own. 

Katie shoved the key into the hole and unlocked the door, pushing it open. We all stood in the hallway amazed. In my own opinion it was amazing, It was kind of plain, but in a way sleek and modern. 

"I call this room!" Ariel yelled as she ran into the bedroom at the very back of the hall. We all took that as an initiative to run to the rooms we all wanted. 

It ended up being Ariel at the very end of the hall, Katie's door was on the left of hers, Mine was on the right, and Becca's was next to mine. 

"I think I am going to explore before I unpack. I really want to got to that zoo." I pulled a brush through the messy hair the plane ride had created. 

"You know, that is a great idea, and we even managed to get here at eleven o'clock, so we have all day!" Katie exclaimed walking out of her room and into the living room, I followed with Ariel and Becca hot on my trail. 

"Why don't we all go to the places we want to go and meet back up here at dinner time, and find somewhere to eat?" Ariel suggested. 

Becca just nodded and pulled her shoes on, excited to feed ducks.

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