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Hey there, and welcome to this book of crazy oneshots and drabbles! I just wanted to do a quick introduction as to not waste much of your time, so feel free to skip this part. Most of these will seem completely random and will hardly connect to each other at all. Expect anything in here.

The length of each part will vary between under 100 words to possibly over 1000. Any of the extremely short ones will be labelled as a drabble in the title of the part (For example: Movie Night - Drabble) and the longer ones will just be normal. I'll try and mix things up so that you're not just getting too much of one thing at a time.

Requests are open if you would like to see something specific but keep in mind the fact that I might not be able to do everything. Also this is a minecraft youtuber oneshot book so keep requests in that region (though there are a lot of minecraft youtubers and I don't know everybody).

Most of this will be about friendship and probably not romance, so sorry if you're looking for that. I'm not really good/comfortable when writing shipping stuff that I don't really ship. (Edit: Although there still is some romance in here)

Most stories will be based in minecraft or in an unreal place (like an au or something) and not irl, although there might be some of those *cough* the first one *cough*.

That's all I wanted to say for now, more might be added to this page if I remember something later on but for now, that's all.

Until next time...

Oh geez, this was a lot longer than I intended it to be. Haha, sorry about that!

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