Chapter two - Waking up with him :p

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"I fell down," I put on my most adorable puppy dog face for Wallace.

"Aww my poor baby," he put me into a tighter hug.

Feeling left out Damien then jumped into the conversation, "Yeah she got a concusion and I carried her to the ambulance during first period yesterday."

"Yeah yeah yeah I'm fine, now gimme my coffay!!!" I growled in a playful manner at Wallace. He got up and gave me my coffe and sat in front of Damien, laying his head on his chest. I swear, if they weren't so destracted by each other right now they would be in a war to make each other jelouse by using me. It's actually really funny. In about five minutes or so, it will begin I'm betting. "I swear you guys are so adorable together."

"Ohh what ever Stevie," Damien said knowing was true, but hated when I made little comments like that. I'm not sure why. Sometimes I just said stuff like that just to bug him.

"You know it's true!" I ruffled his hair. He couldn't stand it when I did that so knowing how to get revenge, all of the sudden he turns Wallace around and starts making out with him. I just looked away. Wallace knew how much it bugged me. He finally figured out what had just happened and pulled away as fast as he could.

"I'm sorry Stevie. I would have denied him completely if hadn't of caught me off gard!" He gave Damien a little slap on the cheek in a playful way and Damien just smiled and kissed him on the cheek knowing he had won. I didn't mind the little stuff like that, but when it was making out, just not the type of thing I like sitting next to.

I stood up and put my IPod in it's speakers so it could charge while we listened to music. The first song to come on was I Write Sins Not Tradgeties by Panic At The Disco. That was mine and Damien's song. Whenever it came on, no matter where we were, or who we were in front of, we just had to sing along. So we did. Wallace just laughed at us. Mainly because Damien and I didn't have the best voices in the world.

After a bit, Wallace suggested that we should do something. So we all went to the mall so the boys could go shopping. They always had money because both of them had jobs. Wallace worked at Starbucks and Damien worked at spencers. Some of the stuff Damien brings over to my house is hilarious. He always brings me stupid sex toys or candy underwear either teasing me about how I need to get a girl or how I'm going to get layed that night.

The first store we walked into was Victoria secret. I never liked going into that store and the boys knew that. They would always tease me about it and throw frilly underwear at me. Another reason why we went into this store is because Wallace knew he was the only person I would let buy a proper bra for me and not wine about it afterwords or during. He knew what my size was so he would pick it out and buy it and we would get out of there.

We went to a couple more stores before we left and they had bought a few other things as well. Just stuff like new cloths. For one point while we were there, Damien and Wallace told me to stay in the cafateria while they went to go buy something secrative that I wasn't allowed to know about. While I was sitting there by myself I thought I had seen Tanya. I wasn't quite sure of what she looked like because I never really had any classes with her even though we attended the same schools since 5th grade. If that was her then it got me thinking to how beautiful she was. I went into a daze as I had these thoughts.

My mind came back to me with a sudden jult as Damien picked my up from my chair and carried me out of the cafateria. We went to Wallace's car, he set me on the hood, and they both gave me an evil sort of smile.

"Where are we going?" I prauded knowing that we weren't going home like I had thought before they had looked at me.

"You'll see" They spoke in unison while saying the words with an evil undertone in both of their voices. After about 5 seconds of me staring at them in confusion, Wallace pulled out duck tape and a blindfold and Damien pulled out a jump rope. They tied me as I struggled slightly trying not to fight them because I knew for a fact Damien was not afraid to use force. They duck taped my mouth and put the blind fold on me. I was a little pissed because they did this stuff to me all the time. On the other hand, always after they did stuff like kiddnaping me, was an amazing suprise or we had a great time where ever they took me.

"Don't worry, we aren't going to kill you. Just torture! Mwuahahahaha!!!" Damien was always overdramatic in these types of situations. I just turned arond and flipped them off. They both began laughing and shoved me into the back seat.

I don't know how much time had passed, but I knew it was well over an hour. By then I really had to pee. 'Damn those boys sometimes' I thought to myself hoping one of them would be able to read my thoughts. The car had finally stopped and someone yanked me out of the car, untied me, ripped the duck tape from my mouth, "Jeeze Damien, you ass whole!" I said with a smile on my face, and then my blindfold was off. To my suprise, I wasn't looking at Damien.

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