Rain Only Postpones Desolation (GirlXGirl)

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Author's Note: Well guys this is my first story and I'm new at this so bear with me if the first couple of chapters aren't as good as they should be. However I PROMISE they will get better as they go along. I'm wanting to get at least 3 vote for my first story :D so hopefully you guys can help me with that.

Hey just an update a few years later I wanted to add in here, I started a fundraising campaign for 'I just want to be me. (Top surgery)  the link will take you to my page. Just reading it means a lot to me as well as spreading the link around. Don't feel the need to donate just trying to get it out there -


Prologue: Stevie Erickson is a 16 year old white girl with black hair, and radiant green eyes who is a mix between being a cute emo scene tom boy. She lived with her mom and brother on the second floor of a duplex on 18th street. Her bestie soul mate, which is what they called each other is Damien. Damien and Stevie are basically twins glued at the hip. Stevie hasn't really come out of the closet yet to anyone except Damien. Little did she know, she would meet the girl of her dreams that she almost, or maybe even does lose. As she fights her way through high school, Stevie has a lot to figure out.

Well. . . not really sure what else to put in this little memo here so I suppose I'll start the story :)




A few of my thoughts had been collected, but not the ones I needed. Sitting on the roof of the duplex I lived in, I felt a bit chilled as the rain poured viciously onto my entire body. I had never really been one to get sick after being in the rain for so long even if I had been soaked the whole time I was out there. This was always the best place and time for me to think about things. I had been spending a load of time up here lately due to how things were going at school. I was only one month into my junior year at Lincoln High in Tacoma Washington and already things were going downhill. My grades are slipping, I had managed to get a lot of people to hate me, and to top it off, I dated this boy I don't even have feeling for and wasn't able to at the begging how horrid this boy really was.

It's not really so much that I don't like him per say. It's more the fact of his gender. Also more of the fact of what he did to me. But anyways, since about six years ago I had been having thoughts about girls. Until recently, literally about only a week ago had I even been kissed by a girl. It was more of a surprise attack on my end. Well it was during second lunch and I was talking to my bestest friend Damien when all of the sudden this girl turns me around and kisses me. After she had realized I wasn't her girlfriend, both our faces turned beat read. She apologized and told me I looked like her girlfriend from the back. The girl, Damien, and I had all agreed it had never happened. So anyways, everything that was going wrong stared the first day of school.

*First Day of School*

"Hey Damien, wait up!" I yelled to try to catch his attention. 'I'm glad I found you. You never told me what classes you have." I think we hadn't told each other what classes we had the day of orientation because I had lost him at the last second in a crowd and my mom was already on her way to come get me because I had an orthodontist appointment. Yeah it sucked. I had to get braces put on two days before the first day of school.

"Oh hey Stevie," he said with a smile on his face "Your mouth still hurt from the braces?" Now Damien wasn't one of the most popular guys at our school but, he was well known. He was on the skinnier side with short blond hair with purple streaks in his bangs that he liked to put into a fohawk every once in awhile. He had glasses and usually wore skinny jeans and band T-shirts. He was also way taller than me. He was about 6'1.

Rain Only Postpones Desolation (GirlXGirl)Where stories live. Discover now