Chapter three - Regained!

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Author's note: Hey guys! So, I'm super excited that I got some votes on my second story. Ohh yeah, I wanted to promote a story that I find amazing. If you want a really good story that people can relate to, look up Suicidal Tendencies (BoyXBoy). It's a really good story. Well that's all I have to report for right now. Now I shall reveal more of my story :))

So even though it's been a few years I'm adding this update to all my chapters :) I started a fundraising campaign for 'I just want to be me. (Top surgery)  the link will take you to my page. Just reading it means a lot to me as well as spreading the link around. Don't feel the need to donate just trying to get it out there -

P.S. Leave comments about what you think or if it needs improvement, or vote to let me know you like it. I'm wanting to get maybe like 5 votes on this chapter, so vote :D



As the blindfold was removed from my face, I felt the sting of the sun. Everything was so bright and my eyes were a bit blury. I blinked various times trying to get my eyes back to normal after being blindfolded for about 5 hours. I looked at the person standing in front of me, my vision was still adjusting to the light. It was a girl . . . with blond hair. . . and all the sudden I was filled with excitement excitement.

"Miyabi!!!" It was my best friend from every since I can remember. She was a 17 year old tiny Asian girl with long straight blond hair and brown eyes. Last I checked, she was 4 inches taller than me at 5'6. Her and Wallace were the only people who have known me since the day I was born besides family. That was the only thing they had on Damien. Other than that, Miyabi, Wallace, and Damien were my equally closest friends. As soon as I could, I picked her up and spun her in an epic hug. She had moved away to Spokane right before 8th grade had started when I was 13 and she was 14. I hadn't seen her in over 3 years.

"Stevie, It's so good to see you. Damn have you gotten taller? Ohh wait nope, you're still just as short as ever!" She always teased me about my highth because her, Wallace, AND Damien were all taller than me.

"Ohh what ever Miya!" I said slightly laughing. "It's been soooooo long. I've missed you. So wait, did you know I was comming?"

"Of course. Me and The Boys were sceaming again." She had finnaly saw my face up close and realized how bangged up I looked, "Gosh, Wallace said you got hurt, but he didn't say it was that bad."

"Yeah I tripped."

She began to laugh histarically. Not at my pain, just at the fact that I could get this beat up just by tripping. She knew how uncordinated I was and responded with, "Of course you did Stevie," after she had calmed down from her laughing fit. "I'm sorry, it's just you've been getting hurt for years just by the simplest little things. What was it this time?"

I dropped my head in a bit of imbarrisment, "A fan cord. And I know what your thinking but don't say it."

Trying so hard not to laugh, she mannaged to ask, "Are you alright? What all got injured?" I showed her my forhead with the stiches in it and regaled the story of how I fell and broke my nose. After awhile of catching up, we finally got around to going to her house where she lived with her parents and three sisters. We took one step into her room and all I saw was a great deal of boxes. Finally I glanced and Wallace and Damien, and I noticed they both had the same look on their faces. Smiling like no other, they were waiting for me to catch on.

So I finally gave in, tired of waiting for someone to tell me what they knew that I didn't, "What's with all the boxes?"

"Ohh My Gosh! I've been waiting for you to ask for forever!!!" She sounded as if I had just unleashed the secret she had been wanting to reveal. And actually I had, "I'm moving back to Tacoma and I'm going to go to Lincoln with you!" She said in a high pitch voice filled with joy and excitement.

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