Chapter 24- Lucinda's Mom

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Garroth's POV
We have all been walking for roughly two hours going around in circles.

"I know where to go! Trust me." Lucinda keeps saying while flying ahead.

I don't mind since Aphmau and I have made up. I'm just kind of glad Aaron left the village but isn't doing something bad rather than building up his village once again. It's been around 4 years since that place got destroyed, I wonder what happened to the place...

"What's that?" Aphmau says, taking her head off my shoulders. Katelyn does the same with Laurance.

"NO NO NO. THIS IS WHAT I FEARED. Oh. My. Irene." Lucinda keeps screaming, flying in the opposite direction. We ignore her as we all walk through a clearing to see a little hut. Aphmau looks at me and I shrug, unsure what to do.

We eventually decide to walk up and knock on the door. We step back as an older woman, about 60 or 70 years of age steps out.

"How dare you invade my forest?" She says.

"We are truly sorry ma'am." Aphmau says.

"Well I now must terminate you. You cannot just simply waltz up to my door uninvited." She says. With a wave of her arms these huge green creatures appear behind her. Crap.

One is about to swat at Aphmau and I turn into my form and block it. Laurance sees this as goes full shadow knight and fights them off of Katelyn. Katelyn and Aph fight one together as Kateltyn lost her form from one of the O'khasis visits.

One is coming up behind Aph and I cannot save her. Please be okay. That is when she turns into her Irene form. Her wings sprout and her white sword appears, which I have only seem two times. She cuts them up as they reform.

"STOP!" Yells the lady to her monsters. "DO NOT HARM THEM! THEY ARE DISTINGUISHED GUESTS!" She yells. What the heck?

We drop our weapons and turn back to normal as she walks us into her house. We sit at her little table.

"May I just ask... What are you?" Katelyn blurts out.

"Well, I am a witch. If that is what you are asking. Those are my familiars or my companions." She says as she stirs a pot.

"That's nice but what made you stop fighting us?" Aphmau then speaks up.

"Well... Um.... You just remind me of an old friend." She says, drifting off.

"Oh." Aphmau says, looking at me. I smile as she smiles back.

"I'm sorry that I am keeping you waiting! Here is some tea for you all." the woman says. I sniff it and shrug to the others and taste a sip. It tastes amazing, like a mix of lavender and honey.

"Mm" I let out a little groan. "Delicious."

"Why thank you...." She trails off.

"Garroth. My apologies. I am Aphmau's guard and boyfriend." I say blushing at the last part.

"You must be a lucky man." She smiles. "I am Hyria."

"Nice to meet you. I'm Katelyn and I need this recipe." Katelyn says, gulping down the tea.

"Same. I am Laurance. Aphmau's other guard and this doofuses' boyfriend." Laurance says, running his hand through Katelyns hair as she rolls she eyes.

"Oh! I completely forgot to introduce myself! I am Aphmau, Lord of Phoenix Drop." Aphmau says.

"Well it is a pleasure to meet all of you. But may I ask, do you have any connections to other villages?" Hyria looks at Aphmau.

"Yes we do actually. We are with good terms with Meteli, Pikoro, Brightport and Scaleswind... Why do you ask?" Aphmau responds.

"Well... I used to be good friends with the Lord of Pikoro and his daughter... Have you seen either of them recently?" She asks, dozing off.

"Well, Lucin--" Laurance starts.

"L-L-Luc-cin-da?" Hyria stutters.

"Yeah..." Katelyn says. "She is actually a resident at Phoenix Drop and our friend. She came with us but flew away as we saw your home..."

"She-she did?" Hyria looks downward. "Please don't tell her but.... I am her mother... We are on bad terms still it seems so please do not mention it. In return I will give you are fairy to lead you back to your village. I'm just begging you... Don't. Tell. Her." Hyria mumbles.

"We will not if tensions are high but if you ever want to visit, feel free to. She may have just wanted to check in on Hailey since we spent the night and she is only a child." Aphmau says.

"Wait.... SHE HAD A CHILD?!!?" Hyria's eyes widen. We shake our heads no and she sighs. "Oh thank Irene or your-- Nevermind." She whispers.

"Well we all must be departing but thank you for the lovely tea." I say, as we all push in our chairs in unison.

"Oh! Yes! It is almost noon! Here let me summon a fairy so you may be on your way." She says. We walk outside to find a hovering crumble of words. It is definitely some kind of magick or witchery.

Hey. Sorry I left but I needed to check on Bigglesworth... I'm at Phoenix Drop now so do not worry. I'll send Raven to find you. Bye. -Lucinda

Wow, left us to fend for ourselves... I smirk as it slowly disappears. In the meantime a glowing fairy appears. We thank Hyria and depart. Since it is just the two couples, Laurance and I put our arms around our girls in unison. It's really peaceful in the forest as we follow the fairy deeper and deeper into the woods.

We take a stop as the fairy hovers ready for once we finish. We eat and drink as the fairy leaves a shimmering dust in the air. 2.

"Why did you spell a two?" Aphmau asks the creature.

Hr. That is what it is spelling now. "Oh! Do you mean we are 2 hours away from Phoenix Drop?" Katelyn pitches in. It spins in a circle really fast.

"Nice!" Laurance says. "That means we are pretty close given how long it took to get around yesterday..."

"We should get packed up then. The sooner we get there the better..." Aphmau says packing up her bag. I help her and pack my own belongings I was planning to bring to O'khasis. While Aphmau helps me, our rings cling together. I look up and we blush as we continue packing.

Once everything is settled, the fairy continues to lead us on. About an hour in, my feet become heavy as Aphmau's head is leaded against mine. I missed this for a few days...

"Gar?" She questions. I let out a grunt as if to say 'yeah?'. "Well, when everything 'happened', you told me not to call you my king." She gulps. "Can- I- since- you know?"

I understand what she is saying and I nod. "Yeah... Aph I'm sorry about th-" I say as I am cut off by someone pinning down me and Aphmau and another person pinning down Katelyn and Laurance in a blink of an eye.

A/N- huehuehue cliffhanger. But do not worry!! First of all, sorry I haven't talked to you all lately; I'm just a lazy bum. Second, all good things must come to an end so I am planning to end this book at about chapter 35 (more or less) BUT DO NOT WORRY AS THERE WILL BE A SECOND BOOK!!!! (Cheering can be heard in the distance, it fills you with determination). I hope you all understand and I already have an awesome ending planned! ;) Thanks for all the reads and votes!! Love, Riri <3

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