Chapter 1 - Creepy guys and then Alec.

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It was around 1 am and I needed to have a walk that was an hour ago and was currently walking home. I decided to take the short cut through the park. I may sound supersticous but i always have a feeling someone's watching me. Not a bad feeling it was sort of like a safe feeling. I was about ten minutes away from my house when a car pulled up in front of me with the window down. I took my earphones out and stuck them in my jean pocket.

"Hey what are you doing out this late" A gruff voice asked.

"Whats it to you creep, not being funny but i don't talk to strangers" I replied.

"Come on let's have a bit of fun girly" He said.

"Look yeah I wouldn't do anything fun with you if the life of papa smurf depended on it, and i love that little guy" I continued to walk. I heard a car door shut and when i turned around a man was walking fast towards me.

"No one walks away from me girly" That gruff voice said coming from the man. I stopped and took my rucksack off ready to fight.

"Look I don't want any trouble just get back in your car and leave me be" I said sternly. Suddenly i was getting grabbed from behind. I struggled to let go whilst both men laughed.

"I get what I want and I want you girly now you will be coming with m..." The man fell forward and hit the floor with a thud. A boy about my age was standing behind him. He had shortish hair and was about 6'4.

"I don't think so, and you let her go and I won't have to hurt you as well" The boy said.

"Piss off kid this ain't your problem" The man holding me said.

"Well I just made it mine" The boy replied. I lifted my foot up backwards and hit the man in his balls then turned around and punched him in the face. He fell to the floor. I picked up my bag and continued walking.

"Hey wait" The boy shouted. I turned around to see him running towards me. " You ok?" He asked when he reached me.

"Yeah I'm fine thanks" I replied.

"Good you have a nice swing on you, which way you walking?" He asked.

"Urm thanks, I guess thats what you learn always surrounded by boys and that way" I said pointing forwards."Im about ten minutes away from my house"

"Cool well I have to go that way, mind me walking with you?"

"No sure you can" I started to walk again. "So my name is Elizabeth whats yours?" I asked

"Alec" He replied. I smiled and nodded my head. We turned in to my street and I stopped in front of my house.

"Well this is me, thanks for tonight I really appreciate it" I said.

"No problem I don't think you should be out this late though" He laughed.

"Yeah well I needed to get out" I stated smiling.

"Ok then well I guess i'll see you around then. Bye." He started walking and waved, I waved back and continued I climbed through my window and went to bed.

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