Chapter 16

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The source of power is forcing you to go back to your room. You hope that Ben will still be asleep when you get there, but he's not. He has his back turned to you, sitting on the edge of the bed. You close the door, hesitantly walking closer to him.

"Where did you go?" He asks.

You really don't want to tell him. You really don't want to do what you're about to do. But you feel like you have to. "Just for a walk, I couldn't sleep..."

"Don't lie to me." He stands and looks at you.

"I received a calling from Snoke." You keep your distance, afraid of what could happen next.

"What did he tell you?"

"I'm going to lead the First Order." Your voice is soft, you're speaking words you wish you didn't have to say.

His eyes give a look of panic. "But how will I ever see you if I leave and you stay? You're the love of my life, Y/N!"

"Remember when you said you'd do anything for me?" You take his hand and squeeze it.

"Yes." He looks at you, sadness tugging at his eyes.

"Let me go." You whisper.

"Snoke is doing this to you, I know he is. He's controlling you like he controlled me my whole life, like a puppet on strings! I'm not going to give up on you, Y/N, I will come back for you." Ben says, and he gives you one last kiss on your forehead. Then he packs his things, and you watch him leave the Temple.

It feels like he took a piece of your heart with him.

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