"With your Eric"

"Hah" I shook my head, "We won't ever be, I'm a princess and he's a commoner"

"But you's are together now?"

"As friends Mini, but I'll tell you what did almost happen" I smiled remembering Eric and I's moment on the hill

"What's that my Lady?"

"We almost kissed this night" I said crossing my arms over my chest and resting my hands on my shoulders

"How charming" Mini smiled

"It was, very," I smiled at the thought, "Until Angus grew restless and knocked us" I frowned

"I'm sure you will have another moment like that with him again my Lady" Mini held out my white towel

I stood up and grabbed the towel, "I know but Mother nor father would never allow us"

"I never said they had to know" Mini smirked then turned away allowing to dry myself off.

"I like your thinking" I smiled, "But what about the time when mother finds a suitor for me? What then?"

"I didn't think that far my Lady, I'm sorry for giving you that idea" mini grabbed my night gown and helped me change into my blue night gown.

"There has been cases before where princess or princes marry a commoner?" I said drying my hair with the towel

"I don't know my Lady, you could look at your family tree? I know that goes back a very long time" Mini smiled as I jumped into my bed

"Thanks Mini"

"Sweet dreams my Lady" Mini bowed then walked out

"Sweet dreams" I whispered then closed my eyes drifting off into a deep sleep like death.




That morning I woke before sunrise to whip up Eric's mum's favourite cake. I ended up with way to much icing, so I cut the cake in half and placed some of the icing on the middle then put the top part of the cake back on then smothered the whole outside of the cake with the left over icing.

"Perfect!" I grinned at the master piece I have created.

I looked around the kitchen for the silver lid but it wasn't anywhere to be seen. I ran over to the kitchen door and peaked my head out, "Psst!" I hissed at the passing maid.

She stopped and turned around to me, her eyes widened when she saw me.
"My Lady," she bowed.

I waved her over, "Do you know where the silver lid is for the cake tray?" I whispered stepping back into the kitchen as the maid walked closer.

"Yes my Lady" The maid smiled then grabbed a stool and say it infront of the large cupboards. "It's right in here" she said opening the middle top cupboard door showing the silver lid.

"Thank you!" I smiled as the handed it to me.

"Your most welcome my Lady" she bowed then put away the stool and left.

I put the lid on the tray to protect the cake, then picked it up and carefully walked back to my room. I sat the tray on my newly made bed then scurried into my closet. "What's the least Royal looked thing I got in here" I mumbled to myself as I looked for a dress to wear.
I picked out a plan baby blue dress with frills running down the chest, the blue martial split in half to show a plan white lacy front. The sleeves where shoulder cut in the same white lace and dangled down behind my arms.
I slipped on some brown healess boots then rushed over to the cake and picked it up.
I carefully fled the castle out the back way, climbed over the castle wall then made my way to the village.

I crept threw a thin ally way and found myself next to the bakers, I looked down the road and saw Eric's place.
Casually I made my way in that direction.

"Hey lovely! What cha doin?!" I heard a slurred males voice and a strong smell of alcohol and smoke filled my nose.

I turned to the side and saw an somewhat older man then Eric almost through himself at me.

"Nothing that concerns you" I plainly said and kept walking

"Quite a pretty dress you got there?" The man said half conscious half not. "Must have a rich daddy to get ya that dress!"

"What if I do?" I asked not looking at the man

"That's a good question! But eres another one! What if you don't?" The man said starting to laugh

"I didn't steal it if that's what your implying" I turned and glared at the drunken man.

The man laughed then stopped as he fell over passed out.
I tapped his cheek with my foot then he groaned and rolled over.
Pleased that he wasn't dead I continued walking to Eric's then knocked on the door.

Royal From Birth ((COMPLETED))Where stories live. Discover now