I stayed just so we could have a better chance of leaving. Soon, another guy who looked a little older than the one watching us, walked into sight. "You're trespassing." The new guy said.

"He already told me." I said while point my thumb at the first guy. "Watch it. Your friend and your life is in my hands, so I suggest you be more respectful." The second guy said. I'm just going to call them first guy and second guy.

I shrugged. "Okay."

"What are you doing here rogue?" He asked us, disgust laced in his voice. "I'm not a rogue." I said. Naomi was a rogue?

"Well you smell like one." He said in disgust. I rolled my eyes. "Well I'm not one."

"What are you doing on my land?" He asked again, ignoring my statement. Neither of us spoke. "Talk or you're dead meat." The guy threatened. "Hi." I said. he growled, not liking my attitude.

Then I felt a prick on my arm and my legs gave up on me. I felt like I was being picked up and then I fell asleep.


I woke up on a concrete floor. Not again! My eyes fluttered open. It was brighter here than in the other one. "Addison?" Someone said. I looked around and saw Naomi in the cell next to mine. "Hello." I replied. "What did you do to end up in the cell?" A rough voice said. I turned the other way to see another guy in the cell next to mine.

"Nothing." I said. "Then why are you in a cell?" I shrugged and sat down. After about 10 minutes of silence the first guy walked in with a tray. He slipped a bowl into our cells and then walked away.

I was examining the food to make sure they don't poison us but I don't like how it looks. Naomi noticed that I wasn't eating it so she too, stared at the food. Soon, the second guy walked in.

"Like your new home?" He snickered. "Home my ass." I said. He growled at me and stared at me intently. I could see his wolf trying to make mine submit but Ava doesn't do that shit. I stared at him with equal dominance and then he snapped his eyes away from mine.

"So why were you on my land?" He spoke. "We were lost. We escaped and tried to look for a human town so we don't 'trespass' on people's land." I explained. "What made you think this was a human town?" He asked.

I shrugged, "Couldn't smell any wolves so I thought it was a human place." I spoke in a bored tone.

He turned to Naomi, "What about you, rogue?"

"I came here with her. And can't you smell that we're not rogues?" She answered. "No I can't, and if ya'll not rogues then what pack are you guys from?" He asked curiously.

Neither of us answered this time. I forgot to tell Nathan to stop looking for me.

"Nate, you can stop looking for me."

"NEVER!" He shouted in response.

"You don't need to. I'll find my way back. I escaped but I'm in another Alpha's territory."

Then I blocked him. "ANSWER ME!" The guy shouted.

"What was your question?"

"I asked you what your name was." He said, losing his patience.

"Where are we? And what's your name?" I asked him. "I ask the questions, not you. So shut it and answer my question."

I rolled my eyes, "I can't shut my mouth if you want me to answer your damn questions."


"Oh I don't know. My name is Jackie Bloom." I lied. "Now who are you?"

"Thomas Keplr. Alpha of the Silver Stone Pack." He introduced. Never heard of Silver Stone.

"Who's pack are you in?"

"White Moon." I simply stated. His eyes widened, he turned and left without a word.


Thomas came back about an hour later.

"White Moon says they don't know a Jackie Bloom." He narrowed his eyes at me. I shrugged and then he turned to Naomi.

"Name and pack." He demanded.

"Naomi Ward from the Blood Shadow Pack." She was in Adam's pack? Were they even looking for her?

Thomas walked out of the room again.

"You're in Adam's pack?" I asked her. "Alpha Adam." She corrected. I shrugged.

"You know him?" She asked. I nodded, 'course I do. Not the most pleasant way to meet someone; getting knocked onto the floor by him and then getting my arm twisted and broken by him at my birthday party. Meh.

Thomas came back about 40 minutes later. "You." He pointed at Naomi. "You're free to go."

"You." He pointed at me. "You're not."

"Well I'm not going anywhere without her." Naomi said stubbornly. "Too bad. You have no choice." Thomas replied with a smug face as he unlocked her cell.

"Oh yeah? Make me." Naomi said, not leaving her cell. Thomas raised an eyebrow. "Whatever. You can just stay in my prison until you decide to leave." He shrugged and walked over to mine.

"I'm not sugar coating this. Your execution is on April the second at 8 pm." He said as he looked down at my sitting figure.

"What?!" I shrieked. "Well, White Moon says they don't know a Jackie Bloom. So, your pack is still unknown to me. Therefore, you are a rogue in my eyes and I need to get rid of you." He shrugged and sat down.

"Why doesn't that guy get killed? He's been here longer than A- Jackie has." Naomi spoke. "Oh so, Jackie, your name is "A-Jackie" correct?" Thomas said, ignoring Naomi's question.

"I will be right back." He said without letting me answer and he walked out of my sight. Why was he being so nice to me? He was like.. Having a conversation with me.

He came back down a few minutes later, "No A Jackie's in White Moon. Do you go to school?"

"'Course I do. I'm not a hobo, I need my education." I said in a bored tone. He should just let me be on my way. "I can't let you go. Rogues can be dangerous and you might be a threat to my pack." He said as if reading my thoughts.

"I'm no threat. I assure you." I said, I mean, what could a little 18 year old girl do to a grown man's pack that had who knows how many wolves in it.

"I wouldn't know that. I know almost no-" Thomas was cut off by a young man standing in the door, "Tom, there's someone on the phone that wa--" The guy stopped talking when he saw me.

He stared at me for about 5 minutes, it was starting to get creepy. "What?" I said getting irritated. "Addison?" The guy questioned.

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