meetings and doctor appointment's

Start from the beginning

"Who's jellybean?" I asked from the living room.

"My nickname for the baby" She said as she pulled out some chicken.

"Go ask Moni if she wants a Texas feast for dinner, will you?" Ally asked me as she ties her apron.

"Oh, and sure" I said walking into the living room.
I went over to Normani, who was on her phone.

"Do you want a Texas feast for dinner? Ally wants to know" I asked her, sitting down.

"YASSSSS, also your Twitter is blowing up" She said laughing.

"It is?" I asked, furring my brows and pulling out my phone. Normani just nodded in response.

"ALLY HOW LONG IS DINNER GOING TO TAKE? ALSO MONI SAID AND I QOUTE "YASSSS" ABOUT DINNER" I screamed from the living room. Ally came running in from the kitchen holding a spoon.

"Liv, did you really need to yell about dinner?" She asked, trying to act strict.

"Yes" I said laughing.

"Dinner will be ready in an hour" She said walking back into the kitchen.

"Imma take a nap, wake me up in an hour" I said walking up the stairs.

After my nap I went downstairs to see if Ally was done with dinner yet.

"Allycat is dinner done yet?" I asked walking into the dinning room.

"Yep! Can you call everyone in?" Ally asked me.


"Not like that! What am I going to do with you" Ally said as we all sat down. I went on Twitter before Ally could catch me.

@LiviMarie :
Living with 8 of my bff's, truly living da dream

"Olivia Rose put that phone away!" Ally said swatting my head with a towel.

@LiviMarie :
Also, so far today I've gotten yelled at for yelling in the house twice now, my phone taken and my head swatted with a towel all by the Miss @AllyBrooke #okmom #jklovemyallycat

I put my phone away and started piling my plate with food.

"Woah there, Liv!" Jacob said laughing.

"Hey buck-a-roo, I'm eating for two! That rhymed!" I said laughing. We all ate dinner then slowly filed into the living room.

"Anyone want to go swimming with me?" Bea asked us.

"Ooh me Beatree!!" I said excitedly.

"Go put on a swimsuit and meet me down here" She said as I walked up the stairs.
I put on a purple bikini and threw my hair up in a messy bun. I ran downstairs to see that almost everyone is in the pool.

"Babe you're getting a little bump!" Sam said excitedly.

"I'm only 10 weeks, it's not that big" I said as I jumped in. Jacob kept throwing Bea in and Dinah played Beyoncé.

"Sorry to kill the fun, but I have a doctor's appointment early in the morning so I'm going to go to bed" I said as Sam and I got out. I went up stairs and took a quick shower, then I went off to bed.

I woke up and started to wake up Sam, like the good wife I am.

"Sam, you gotta get up. We have a doctors appointment, remember?" I said shaking him.

"Good morning beautiful" Sam said giving me a hug.

"Who are you and who took my husband?" I asked laughing.

"You are so funny, I'm going to make breakfast" He said going downstairs.

"I was just teasing!" I said as I followed him downstairs. Lauren decided she wanted to go to the appointment with us to see the baby so we all ate, said goodbye to the others and then we were off.

"Livi Pottorff" I told the secretary.

"Right this way M'am" The lady said as we followed her.

I sat on the bed and lifted my shirt while waiting.

"Hello Mrs. Pottorff, today we will listen to the heartbeat" The doctor said as Lauren held one hand and Sam held the other. We heard weird noises while the doctor had a confused look on his face,

"Mrs. Pottorff, you are having twins"

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