Chapter 11: Promises...

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I sat on my bed looking through google images trying to get a idea for a nursery, but I didn't really like too many of them. They just all seemed way too over the top, I mean it's not like the baby was going to use all these things for more then a few months right? Ryan had called me last week to say he didn't know where this relationship was going and  I had agreed with him and said i'd respect that and allow him the space he needed to think. I couldn't blame him for questioning my intentions, I mean if the roles had been flipped maybe i'd be a little concerned if I were him too. I push away from the desk and touch my small yet firm baby bump, you couldn't tell I was pregnant unless you knew me but it was still a bump none the less. My mom said to wait a little and by 5 months my pregnancy would be much more obvious, but as for right now I was just a day away from 4 months. 

I could hear the door close downstairs and I knew my mom and dad were gone for the night, I could've went with but I didn't enjoy pack retreats as much lately. I walked around my room before deciding to take a shower, I let steam fill the bathroom and the water run over over my body. I relaxed a bit, all in all the day had been good. I went with my mom to get my toenails done, Cassidy took me to the movies and afterwards me and my dad had dinner at the pier. I sighed contently before slipping on my black undergarments and walking out of the bathroom.

"AHHH!!" I shrieked loudly as I noticed Eric was sitting on my window. He turned to look at me seeming almost as surprised to see me as I was to see him.

"Well that's a hot surprise..." He frowned nodding his heads towards me indicating to me being partially naked.  I pulled my robe from it's place on top of my dresser and covered myself. "Why cover up, i've already seen it all."

"What are you doing here?" I frowned placing my hands on my hips and looking at him skeptically.

"I didn't think you'd be here actually, I just umm... How's the baby?" He tried seeming at a lost for words.

"Wrong answer try again.. Why are you here?" I asked annoyed as I went to close my laptop.

"Does your wolf ever... I don'tknow like does it hurt?" He asked looking out the window instead of at me.

"What are you talking about Eric? You should go home." I sighed sitting on my bed Indian style facing him.

"My wolf keeps waking me up from my sleep in the middle of the night, I get this aching to let him lose and every time I do I end up roaming the forest for hours. I always end up laying in the bushes near the edge just staring at your house, your window. Wondering if your asleep or awake or even in there. When I'm human form my wolf doesn't talk to me like it use to, it only talks to me when I'm around you and... Never mind I sound like a complete fucking idiot." He huffed leaning his head back and looking at me, his blue eyes tired looking.

"You always sound like a idiot, that's never stopped you from talking before."I point out a bit conflicted by what he's saying. My wolf feeling heavy on my insides from being so close to Eric and not having him be a complete asshole... yet anyway.

"I kissed you and you just... I don't know. I put my all in that and I thought it would tell you something I couldn't Adalaid, i'm not good with words. Never was and I can almost guarantee I never will be." He sighed looking at me as he walked into the room standing in the middle of it looking a bit out of place and nervous.

"I rejected your kiss like you rejected me. Doesn't feel to good does it?" I smiled testingly.

"I never really rejected you Adalaid..." He said shaking his head.

"Reject means to dismiss as inadequate, inappropriate, or not to ones taste. Trust me, you rejected me." I sighed rolling my eyes.

"My wolf didn't, my heart obviously didn't." Eric moved closer to me and placed his hand under my chin causing the skin to burned with passion as he made me look at him. 

How I got Pregnant.... And REJECTED!! #Wattys2014Where stories live. Discover now