An Author's Note on a Serious Chapter

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I know that the author's note is your way of talking to the read, apologize for not updating, and remind them to vote and comment, but like everything there is a time and a place for it. At the end of a light hearted chapter it is perfectly fine to have a short author's note, because it carries on the happy mood and doesn't seem as out of place. However if your chapter end's a character's funeral, death, or traumatic event, then it would absolutely destroy the somber mood you spent a whole chapter, or maybe more building by having something like this at the end:

*Author's Note*

Hey guys!!!! :D

I'm sorry for not updating recently! Life has been really hectic lately!

Be sure to vote and comment!

100 reads to the next chapter!!!!!

If you really do need to have an author's note in that chapter then make a short one at the beginning, before you start to set up the mood.

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