Chapter 10: New Discoveries ?!?!

Comenzar desde el principio

E: So when can we start?

R: They've already started.

Em: Yeah, they are setting it up as we speak.

E: Carlisle do you think it's safe to have people at our house when we're not there?

C: Don't worry Seth, Embry and Jared are keeping an eye on them.

E: Oh. You guys really had everything planned out didn't you?

Es: Every small detail.

Edward smiling but he's smile quickly fell when he heard what Rosalie thought, instantly making him sad.

R: (I wonder how Jake is doing)

E: Me too but Billy said that it would be better if I didn't call.

R: Sorry.

E: It's okay. I'll survive.

E: So I just wanted to know how everyone feels about all of... this.

C: What do you mean?

E: Since the beginning of all of this we haven't actually had time to really talk. So I just wanted to know how you all feel about Jacob, the baby, his family the whole lot.

Es: I simply adore all of them. I love having new souls in the house. It's a fresh breath of air that I love.

C: Yes. They have become like family. I don't think I can imagine our lives without them anymore.

A: It's amazing and I'm even starting to see splotches of them.

R: ("Really amazing") they know a lot about cars so that's good.

E: Really Rose?

R: Whaaaat?

Em: I really like them, especially Paul.

Ja: They are a challenging bunch but I'm adapting. I don't even want their blood that much anymore.

Es: Oh really?

Ja: Yes.

Es: Edward, and you?

E: J J

A: If he could blush, he's face would be blood red right now.

E: Whatever. (He said throwing her pillow at her that she obviously already saw and moved away)

E: Anyways. I love having them there. They just fit in as if we were all meant to be one big happy family.

Em: We were meant to be a family, Edward.

E: Shut up Emmett.

Em: What it's true?!

C: I'm glad to see that everyone is happy.

E: Yes, yes we are.


S: So everyone is at Billy's house already.

J: Everyone?

S: Yeah, all the elders are all anxious to see you.

J: Why?

S: They want to talk about everything that has happened so far.

J: So you mean they want to talk about me and Edward.

S: Amongst other things.

J: Like?

S: I don't know. They also want to talk about the baby.

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