Chapter 12

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Stiles P.O.V

Since the Kali incident, we haven't heard from the alpha pack. Well, it hasn't been a week, but the twins haven't been in school so we took that as a surrender.

'I think I'm going to tell him today.' I mind linked to Derek across the field during training. He was throwing Erica around when he heard my comment, he froze. Erica took the opportunity to tackle Derek, and she did; they crashed to the ground.

"Ow" he muttered.

He called training off for the rest of the day. It was noon, so we had time to rest up to catch my dad on lunch break. He gets an early lunch break every Sunday. Lydia and Jackson left, Erica and Boyd went in the house, and us 4 boys stayed right where we were, chatting.

"Today?" Derek asked. "Are you sure?"

"Yes. I want him to know." I said grabbing his hand and tangling our fingers together.

"My dad gets early lunch today, so we can meet him at my house then." I said, Derek nodded.

"Well, were gonna go." Scott said. Isaac playfully grabbed Scott's ass, then ran off to the car. Scott ran after him.

"Oh your going to pay for that tonight!"

Derek and I shivered at that comment.

"Are they having sex before us?"

"I'm not sure but I'm sure that I don't want to know." I wanted to know, not to be creepy but he's my best friend. I deserve to know. Are they mates? No. Scott would have told me. Right? Derek interrupted my thoughts.

"Maybe we should get him lunch." Derek suggested.

"So we can sit down and talk about us." I thought about it, and I decided it was a good idea.

"Yeah. It may take a minute for it to set in. He definitely won't be expecting it." We went in the house, showering together to save water, obviously!

"Pizza?" I suggested.

"Sure!" So we got in my jeep and drove to the pizza place.

There's a really good pizza place a few minutes away from my house, so we went there. My dad likes meat lovers pizza so we got that. Normally I would not get that because of his heart problem and how he can't eat unhealthy things, but I got it anyways because I wan- no I need to be on his best side when I tell him. It was 12:40 when the pizza was done, and we drove to my house.

"Are you ready?" Derek said. I flashed my eyes yellow.

"Yes." I said.

We pulled into my driveway and hopped out of the car. I grabbed the pizza when my day's squad car appeared in the driveway. Derek shot a look at me, his heart beat jumped.

'It's going to be okay, chill.' I mind linked him.

"Hi dad!" I yelled, pulling him into a one-arm embrace, still holding the pizza.

"Hi son. What's going on here?"

"We brought you lunch!" His facial expression relaxed.

"Thanks." We walked towards the door and walked into the house. My dad set his keys on the side table next to the door as I set the pizza on the dinner table. We started eating when I broke the silence.

"Hey dad, I kinda need to tell you something."

"Okay," he paused waiting for me to respond. "what?" He said with a mouth full of pizza.

Am I about to do this? Well, I cant turn back now...

"Dad, I'm a werewolf."

'What the hell was that?' I said through mind link, staring at him.

'I told him.' He said as if he didn't just say the complete opposite of what he was supposed to say.

'I thought you were going to tell him about us!'

"Dad, I'm gay too." His jaw had already hit the table. Stiles telling his dad both these things within 30 seconds of each other could easily give his dad a heart attack.

"So you're a gay werewolf?" He said in disbelief after a few minutes of silence.

"Yes." Stiles said.

"Show me." Stiles came over to me, leaned down, lightly brushing his lips with mine. He pulled away after a few seconds, then went back to where he was sitting before. Sitting down, he had his face facing the floor. He looked up, teeth out and eyes yellow. His dad just stared at his plate; I didn't know how any of this was about to go down.

"Well, I support you and all your decision's Stiles." I was jumping for joy. I thought he was going to put a bullet in my head. Then he turned his attention to me.

"If you hurt my Stiles I will put a bullet in your head." Hmm, maybe he read my mind.

"If I hurt Stiles, I'll be putting a bullet in my head first." I joked with his father.

"Haha well I give you permission."

Stiles spit the coke in his mouth all over the table before yelling,

"Permission? For what?"

"To date." Stiles' wide eyes turned back to the way they were before he coughed his lungs up. We were all done eating pizza around 1:10 and put the leftovers in the fridge.

"Bye dad, I'm gonna sleep over at Derek's tonight, but ill be home tomorrow." Stiles said as he shooed his dad out the door.

"Well, that went much better than I expected." I said finally taking a breath, slouching in the wooden chair.

"What made you think you could tell your dad about you being a werewolf?" I said as the thought became real to me.

"Why not. He's going to find out eventually. And plus, it will help him figure out what the hell has been going on around here!" He was yelling as if it was my fault.

"Okay, no need to yell."

"I'm sorry. I just feel bad that my dad doesn't have a clue what goes on and everyone goes to him for answers, and help." I stood up, taking him in my arms.

"It's okay." I soothed in his ear.

"Let's go back to my place now." I suggested.

"Okay." He grabbed his red hoodie, slung it over his shoulder, walking to the door. After I was out of the house as well, Stiles locked the door and we got in his jeep, driving down the road to the Hale house.

"I hope nobody is there tonight." I said, breaking the awkward silence.

"Why?" He asked.

"Maybe I wanted to have a little fun tonight." I looked over to the passenger seat where he was sitting. He started smiling like a kid when their parents told them they were going to Disneyland for the first time. I grabbed his hand, and squeezed it tightly before kissing it lightly.

"I like where this is going." He said. I could tell he was thinking about me being naked in the shower.

"I know you do." I said with a big sarcastic sigh. After we got to the hale house, we saw no cars in the driveway. I didn't want to walk in the house making out, taking off clothes, then there be someone awkwardly sitting on the couch watching, like Peter, so we walked in normally, and cautiously.

Stiles scoped out the downstairs while I took the upstairs.

"Nobody down here." He yelled from the living room.

"Nobody up here either." I could have sworn I heard a smile appear on his face, as I heard his heart start to race. I walked down the stairs, meeting him at the foot of them. I smiled, pulling him against my body for a kiss.

'You ready?' I mind linked him.

'I was ready two and a half months ago.' I smiled, pulling him into a kiss. 'Shut up.' I said sarcastically, as I pulled his legs up, wrapping them around my waist. I carried him up the stairs, as he leaned his head on my shoulder.

"I love you so much, Derek."

"I love you more." I said to him, placing him on the bed.

"I love you most." Stiles said pulling me down on the bed with him, kissing me passionately.

The end!! I hope you guys liked it! I had a blast righting it, and thankyou for all the reads, votes and comments! I'm writing a Dethan fanfic right now, so look forward to that!

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