Chapter 3

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After they drank and cooled down from walking up all those stairs. I then sat down on a small patch of soft grass and the two children sat down in front of me I then slowly put my forehead against the oldest child's forehead "remember I could only grant one wish from you so make your wish wisely" I said in his mind. He then said "I wish I could summon wolves whenever I am in danger" the young boy thought I then remove my forehead from his and I close my eyes and when I reopen my eyes the boy was lightly glowing gold and white. After about 4 minutes he stopped glowing and I then put my forehead against the little girl forehead and I said "remember I could only grant one wish from you young one" I said she then thought "I wish I could summon owls wherever I am" the little girl thought so I did the same thing I close my eyes and I reopen my eyes and the little girl was lightly glowing gold and light blue. After about 4 minutes she stopped glowing and I stood up and the children did the same thing too. I then said inside both of their minds without moving my mouth "your wish is granted use them wisely children I will walk you two back to your home" after I said that I gently grab the little girl t-shirt with my mouth and I let her ride on my back and I then grab the boy's t-shirt with my mouth and I put him on my back behind his sister I then start walking down the stairs and the stairs behind me start disappearing I then reach the bottom of my mountain and I started walking towards their small village when I arrived at the village gates when I walk through the gates everyone that I pass bows down to me I then reach the children's home and their parents was outside bowing down to me.

I then bow my head lightly I then lay down and the children got off of me and ran towards their parents and the parents stand up again so did I. I then said only for the children and their parents to hear me "this will be a goodbye for now I will once in awhile come see if the children are doing good with their talents" after I said that I disappeared from their sight and I reappear close to some giant gates I then noticed the sky was dark and with full of stars.

'Hmm it must be around 9:00 at night' I thought. so I then look around and I found a nice shaded soft grass spot to sleep so I lay down and I fell into a light sleep I then woke up from something rubbing against me and purring too. I then open my eyes slowly and I look down to see a female cat with a red bow around her neck and she is purring against me I then felt a sneeze coming so I sneezed lightly I think that scared the cat. Because her fur spiked up and she looked everywhere to see where that noise came from she then looked up to me and she was a little scared because well I was wide awake and I was looking down at her. I then thought maybe I should transform into my human form so I less scare her so I did and she started purring like crazy and she started rubbing her head on my left hand that is petting her. I then heard voices coming to my left like about 1 mile away.

So I got up and I gently grabbed the cat and I gently hold the cat in my arms and I started walking towards the voices when I got closer to the voices I canceled a lot of my chakra so only a little bit of chakra came out. Anyways I look around some trees and I found the people who belong to the voices I think. "Hello is this your cat?" I said from coming out of my hiding place and their heads snapped towards me and the oldest one there said "yes thank you" he said.

"also may I know your name and what village you come from?" He asks me "yeah sorry I am sooo not telling random strangers my name and my home village" I said in a angry voice. "Okay maybe just your name is that alright or maybe you can come with us and maybe tell our Hokage who you??" the oldest person said "fine I am only telling you strangers my first name and not my last name" I said I then said "my name is Ace" after I said my name they said their names and we started walking to their village when we got there we started walking towards the Hokage tower when we got closer to the tower I started feeling people stares on my back I turn my head a little bit and the stares are coming from blushing girls when they saw I was looking at them they started blushing or squealing I then turn my head towards the front and see a lot of stairs. Anyways after climbing up those awful stairs we started walking towards I think the Hokage office before they enter. I gently put the cat in Sasuke arms when our skin touches there was a big spark that made us both jumpy a little and I pulled away quickly I then look up into Sasuke eyes and I saw a little bit of love and confused. I quickly looked down and I noticed I am starting to blush a little bit.

I then went and sat down on the bench when the team enter the office and the doors shut I then heard the cat mewing for help and I heard a old lady voice then the doors open and I was correct it was a old lady squishing the poor female cat when they left I started hearing yelling inside the office while that was happening a drunk old man came and he sat on the same bench as me.

-Third POV-

While ace was sitting outside of the Hokage office. team 7 was or I should say Naruto the blonde Baka is yelling at the Hokage for a better mission and when the Hokage agreed that they can have a C rank mission Naruto started asking who are they going to be protecting like a princess or a lord but then the Hokage told the client to come in and the drunk old man that was sitting to close to ace came wobbling in. Anyways after the team and the client left ace walked up to the office doors and knocked on it "you may come in" ace heard from the other side of the doors.

so he went inside the office and the Hokage looks up from doing his paper work to see ace "hello child may I know who you are and what I can do for you??" after the Hokage said that ace said "hello my name is Ace Atsuko and I was wondering if I could live here and be a ninja too" after ace said that the Hokage had a warm smile on his face "of course child you can stay here and I will just need you to pass two tests alright?" Yeah sure" ace said.

The Hokage then told ace the first test is a clone Jutsus ace made the hand signs for the clone jutsus and there was 20 solid clones the Hokage was very surprised by this. Then the Hokage told ace the second test and ace past the second test in flying colours. After ace done the test the Hokage gave ace a black leaf headband and ace puts the leaf headband around his neck and he bows to the Hokage and the Hokage gave ace a bag of money and a key to his new home that is apartment plus a map where it shows ace to his apartment.

-Ace POV-

So after I left the Hokage office I look at the map and I try to find my apartment but guess what 'I AM FUCKING LOST just great' I thought I look up from the map and I spot a bench so I walk to it and I sat down. When I just sat down a small male white dog with brown ears ran up to me and start barking at me I think he wants me to pick him up so I did and he starts licking my left cheek and my hands "hahaha that tickles hahaha stop that" I said while laughing too. He finally stops licking my hands after a few minutes I then heard "AKAMARU WHERE ARE YOU BOY" someone calling out I look from the small male dog that is laying on my lap to see a cute guy that looks like my human age calling out for his dog. I then think the male dog on my lap is his dog I got up holding the dog and I stuff my map in my right pants pocket and I start walking towards the cute guy.

"EXCUSE ME IS THIS YOUR DOG?" I called out towards the guy he then turn towards me and he was a lot cuter up close he looks at the dog in my arms and smiles big. "YES thank you" I then put the dog in the guy's hands and when our skin touches each other there was shocks I jumped a little bit from the shocks and I look towards the guy's face to see love, confusion, and a little bit of lust too. " hey thanks for finding my dog I was wondering what is your name if you don't mind?" He asked me "no problem and my name is Ace and what is your name" I said and ask "oh yeah my name is Kiba and the dog is of course akamaru" after kiba said that he laughed a little bit I wonder why.

-Third POV-

Anyways kiba and akamaru helps ace finds where his apartment is and then the two boys exchange phone numbers and kiba and his dog went home. After ace made supper and ate he cleared up after him self and he looks at the clock to see it's 9:00 at night and he let out a small yawn and he decided to hit the hay so he walks to the front door to lock it then made sure all the windows was locked too. He then walks to his bedroom and got ready for bed and he was lights out before his head hit the pillow.

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