Hey Karma...

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Hey Karma, how are you?
So we meet again.
*I did you a favor.
Oh yeah Karma, what was that?
*Well, luckily this time you learned your lesson. I was honestly tired of hurting you.
Thanks for that..ok, so I'm curious, what favor did you do?
*I got him back, I hurt him for you.
Karma, should I be happy about that? I mean it's not right to revel at another's misfortune.
*That's true, but all you did was love him. You gave him your heart and he hurt you.
OMG Karma, what did you do?
*I robbed him.
You what? I'm not understanding.
*I robbed him of his happiness just like he did to you. He was settling in, getting comfortable, just like you were. He robbed you of the comfort and joy you had.
He did, played me like a toy.
*Said he was a man.
**SAD LITTLE BOY!! (We both laughed)
So what now Karma?
*Nothing, you sit back and do nothing. Keep smiling, keep living, and know that nothing you do is in vain.
I felt like no one cared, like he wouldn't feel my pain.
*Dear, we're old friends, I'm Karma, only a phone call, few tears, and a heartbreak away from shifting the pain.
What goes around comes around right?

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