Chapter One

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Chapter One

I groaned as my alarm went off and whacked the snooze button angrily. Another school year was starting and it was safe to say I hated it already. I knew year thirteen was going to be hell. On the bright side, at least I was still at the same school, with the same people and the same friends. I was shy; new people intimidated me which was one of the main reasons I stuck to my old school's sixth form instead of taking the leap into college.

"Emma, get up or you're going to be late!" My mum shouted through the closed bedroom door. "You're walking, too, I need to get to work!"

I groaned once more before rolling out of bed. And by rolling out of bed, I literally mean rolling out of bed. I landed on the carpet with a thump.

What a great start to the new year.

Miss Chubb (hilariously she fit the name by being really really fat), the head teacher of the school, had recently abolished the rule that sixth formers didn't have to wear the school uniform, so I grudgingly pulled on the knee length navy skirt and white polo top. I know what you're thinking - 'the uniform definitely could be worse', right? Somehow I still managed to look like a lesbian heading to a nunnery.

My mum was right when she said I was going to be late to school, I just had time to put a piece of bread in the toaster, stuffmy school books in my bag and grab the toast before heading out to school.


Entering the common room, I walked over to the area where my friends are sitting. Already, I could see the segregation - the popular crowd, or 'The Abercrombie's' have obviously nabbed the corner with the comfiest sofas and the loud stereo, whilst the loners inhabited the corner next to the counsellor's office. I walked past to the centre of the room where my friendship group sat.

"Emma!" Benjamin shouted, leaping up to envelope me in a bear hug, my feet lifting off the ground.

"Put me down you fat lump!" I shouted teasingly, whacking Ben on the arm to force him to put me back on the floor.

"So Ems, what have you been up to all holiday? I barely saw you!" Sophie said as I flopped down on to the soft chair.

"Er, you know... I was in Italy for a week, and then mainly just hanging out with friends," I said nervously. It wasn't that I was lying- it was just that by 'hanging out with friends' I meant spending all my free hours locked in my room on twitter drooling over new HQ photos of Niall topless on his Segway with my internet friends. My real-life friends definitely did not need to know of my obsession, and I wasn't planning on telling them, either.


The school day got worse from that point. Chemistry was looking like a subject promising to send me to suicide and I forgot the 'summer homework' for my biology teacher, who didn't hesitate to give me an after school detention. I mean, what kind of asshole sets 'summer homework'?! I was much too busy over the summer drooling over my laptop screen at the beautiful faces of the One Direction boys.

I finally made it out of detention at five o'clock. I probably could have persuaded the teacher to let me out earlier, but it was Mr Peeves and he hates me because I once caught him watching porn on his computer. In my defence, he should really drop the grudge - I mean when I turned the overhead projector on I didn't know I'd be showing the whole class that he was watching two guys going at it pretty passionately!

I slung my denim rucksack I had just got from Topshop over my shoulders and started the twenty-five minute walk home. It wasnt too bad in all honesty, I had the new Fall Out Boy album blasting in my ears as I rounded the corner to my house. I pulled out the headphones as I reached the door and dug around for my keys, my hope crashing and burning as I realised I hadn't remembered to pack them. The image of them sitting on my desk taunted me as I sat down with a huff on the front porch to wait for my parents to get home. I pulled my iPhone from the zip up pocket in my bag, realising that in all the drama of the day I had only managed to check my twitter once. I scrolled through my timeline, wondering what the fandom was freaking out about today. Halfway through a reply to one of my follorwwrs about where I'd been all day, my phone suddenly dinged and a notification came up.

'@Niall_Official: goin t' have a follow spree!'

The half written tweet was immediately forgotten. My heart raced as I begun to panic. FOLLOW SPREE! NIALL! This was like the apocalypse for fangirls.

I had the panicked procedure perfected. My drafts box was full of tweets created solely for these moments. I sent them all in a frenzy, before changing my name to 'FOLLOW ME HORAN!'

I sent more and more tweets as my timeline went crazy, everyone desperate for 1/5, including me.

As I saw my parents car round the corner and pull into the drive, I sent one last, desperate tweet:

'@Niall_Official, I am forever 0/5, I'm locked out of the house, and I just got back from detention. YOU ARE THE ONLY ONE WHO COULD SAVE THE DAY BY FOLLOWING ME PLEASE I LOVE YOU'

And with that, I decided it was time to give up. I knew it was futile - I had tried so many times to get a Niall follow, but here I was after three years, still 0/5. My parents had gotten out of the car and walked right past me into the house. I had been too niall- orientated to care.

"Hello?" I shouted, walking into the house.

"Hey sweetie!" My mum shouted from the kitchen. "How was school?"

"Fine," I grumbled, snatching an apple from the table and heading upstairs. I didn't tell her about getting detention on the first day- what she didn't know wouldn't kill her and all that.

I pulled out my desk chair and plopped down on to it, sighing. Year 13 sucked already. Just as I was about to start on some hideous chemistry equations, I clicked on the twitter app just to see if any of my mutuals had gotten the big 'Niall horan follows you' prize.

But, in that instant, everything changed. My fingers shook as I looked down my mentions, flabbergasted would be an understatement.

I had so many messages from my twitter friends along the lines of: 'Im so happy for you!'

My mentions were filled with the 'AHDKIWHJW' that I had only thought possible in my wildest dreams.

'Niall Horan follows you'

I stared at the screen in complete an utter shock for a few seconds before suddenly.

"HOLY SHIT!" I shouted. I checked Niall's profile to see the words slide over as 'Follows you' slid onto the screen. I screamed ecstatically as I kicked into action. I sent tweets that were meant to relay my excitement, but my fingers shook and fumbled so the words came out garbled and didn't make sense. Niall, my idol Niall, had just followed me! 

I thought this was the biggest moment of my life. But this was only the beginning of my story with Niall Horan.

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