"Okay, I've told you I'm going to travel a lot this year..." I started, and both of them nodded as they mentioned to me to carry on. "And you know that I didn't make it into London School of Performances and Music..." I added. I had to say it now, there's no need to keep it a secret. "So they kind of gave me an opportunity to... Join One Directions tour as a keyboardist." I said quickly, crossing my fingers and biting my lip in hope that their reactions would be good.

They both sat in silence, staring at me.

"What?" I asked them. Why didn't they say anything?

"Stop lying Issy, tell us why we're here." Sam said. They didn't believe me! This was going to be harder than I thought!

"I'm not lying, guys! I've met the lads almost every other day the last months. I know them! I will be following them on their world tour, I promise!" I said, my voice almost breaking. I don't know why, but I slowly started to panic. They had to believe me! I really needed their support, especially at the first concert.

They glanced at each other, looking like they believed me a bit more but not completely.

"Prove it." Chelsea said.

I sighed. Prove it? How would I do that?

I picked up my phone and went in to my contacts.

"Look." I said and showed them my phone. I started at the top of my contacts.

"Here's Sandy's number," I said at the B. I scrolled down a bit and stopped at Josh at the D. I kept going to Niall at the H, Zayn at the M, Liam at the P, Dan at the R, Harry at the S and lastly Louis at the T. I didn't care about showing them any management-numbers, that wouldn't help me right now.

"What happened to Jon?" Chelsea asked. Jon was the keyboardist that had ended just before my audition, I heard. I shrugged at her question.

"Don't know, no one told me."

"I'm not convinced yet. I don't think you've made it all up, but I'm not sure. This sounds insane, and it's really hard to believe." Sam said. She was right, it was hard to believe. I had one more thing to do to convince them. I was still down at Louis's name at my contact list, so I touched his name and went on face time. Neither of the girls saw what I was doing, until Louis answered with a big smile on his face.

"Well hello there miss Bower." He said and grinned big at me. It had been mine and Louis inside joke, we always talked to each other with these old fashioned words and accents. It was hilarious!

"Good day Mr Tomlinson." I answered him and laughed. "Are you with the rest of the guys?" I asked him.

"Nah, it's only me, Niall and Harry here. Liam and Zayn are out shopping or something."

"Great, could you get them there to?" He looked confused, but called on Harry and Niall. Soon, I saw their faces at my phone screen too.

"Hi Belle!" They both said after each other.

"Hey guys, my friends won't believe that I'm going on tour with you. Could you like, talk to them really quick?" I asked them. They said they could so I gave my phone to Sam and Chelsea. Both of them stared at me, completely petrified, they both saw I was serious now and three fifths of their favourite band were on face time right in front of them. They breathed really fast and I laughed at them.

"Girls, talk to them or I'll embarrass myself." I said. Sam took my phone from me and stared at the screen, still a bit shocked. Chelsea grinned like an idiot, trying not to jump up and down in her seat, but failing.

"Hello girls!" Harry said. I didn't see the guys anymore, but I could hear he was smiling big. "What's your names?" He asked me.

"I'm Chelsea" Chelsea said to him, and when Sam kept quiet Chels turned to her, snapping her fingers in front of her face. "And I'm Sam" She said quickly and blushed as she smiled. I laughed at them. I had never seen them act like this before. Chelsea never used to look this happy to talk to guys. She didn't really avoid guys, but it was close. And Sam was the sassy girl, always being tough and cool. I had never seen her speechless before, and I had definitely not seen her blush. I didn't think she was able to do that.

"I don't know what Issy wanted us to say really, but it's true. Jon suddenly needed to quit, and one of the guys from management saw her audition to this school. He thought she was great, and we needed someone good fast, so she's coming with us on tour!" Louis said and both Chels and Sam nodded like they understood, unable to speak.

"But the first concert is here in London, and I really need you two there." I said to them and they looked up at me over the phone. I tried to take the phone from Sam again, but didn't succeed.

"Sam, I need my phone for two seconds. You can talk to them later!" I said.

"Okay." She said and pouted.

"Guys, is that okay? If I take Chelsea and Sam backstage at the first London concert?"

"Of course!" Harry said. "I'd love to meet them." Both my friends squealed at that and the three guys and I laughed again.

"By the way, Issy would you like to come with us to Liam's place later tonight?" Niall asked me. I had been outside Louis's and Zayn's flats before, when I had offered to drive them home after a rehearsal, but never inside. 

"Sure, what are we going to do?" I asked him.

"We planned on watching a movie or something, and we thought about doing a twitcam with you, so all rumours about you dating any of us will disappear. To make it official to the fans." Niall told me, and I immediately got nervous. A twitcam? Live with thousands, even millions of jealous fans watching? Oh god. I nodded slightly.

"Come to Liam's flat later around seven." Louis told me.

We said goodbye to each other and hanged up a couple of seconds later.

"Ohmygodohmygodohmygodohmygodohmygod!!" Both Sam and Chelsea shouted and I had to cover my ears from the high-pitched squeals.

It felt much better now, I would have my best friends with me on the first Concert. But now, I got nervous for tonight instead. What if the fans would hate me? What if I embarrass myself live? Oh god. 


AN: As I said before, I won't update until next week. But I can promise, chapter 7 will be worth waiting for!

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