Cassette 5 Side B

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I can feel who's next, and it isn't me. Flipping the cassette over, I press play.

First Vivian started it, and you spread it.

I was right.

Hi, Maxwell Taylor! With your last name that reminds me of shoes.

She snorts, making me suppress a laugh. She'd always mentioned that.

Like Vivian, you clearly had too much time on your hands. I mean, you made, what? Like, two hundred copies?

I remember the day so well. Pages from her diary were posted all over the school. I'd seen her walk into school and realize what had been done. I will never forget her face as she collapsed onto the floor, her knees buckling from sheer overwhelming shock and horror.

It was a good day. Every single student laughing at me. Making fun of me. Do you know what it feels like to have everyone you know shun you? Laugh at your secrets? It feels pretty fucking bad.

I'd never talked to her up until then. I was never mean to her, but I'd never done anything for her for fear of people turning against me. That day, I decided that I didn't care anymore.

There was one good thing that came out of what you did. But I don't want you to know what that is.

She's talking about me. I smile as I remember how she'd smiled at me. She looked so relieved.

What happened doesn't change the fact that you are a royal asshole...with a lot of time on your hands. The fact that you'd rather spend hours working to ruin someone's already shitty life says something about what kind of worthless person you are.

The tape ends, and I feel like I'm next. Chronologically, it makes sense.

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