Cassette 6 Side B

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I flip over the cassette, glancing at the clock as I snap it into place. It's still early, so I can get through all the tapes. I'm either next...or last. Pressing play, I let out a long breath.

Next up is actually someone who didn't do anything directly to me, but actually hurt me the most.

Oh my god. It's me, isn't it? Is she talking about the time I was dating—

Brendan White.

Yes. Wait what?

You bastard. You fucking cheated on her. I know she'll be listening to this, so I'm not going to make this long. That day she found out, she came crying to me. Maybe I have to thank you, because that's when we had our first kiss. But looking into her eyes, I could see her pain. You made her feel that way. And I can never forgive you for that.

I feel like I can't breathe. A tear streaks down my cheek, and I gasp for breath.

I hope you feel guilty. I hope you rot in hell.

She sighs, the anger apparent in her voice.

She was too good for you, anyway. You didn't deserve her. It pissed me off that a piece of shit like you made her cry. Made her hurt that much. Out of all the people I've mentioned, I actually hate you the most. I don't give a shit about what people do or say to me, but hurting my girl is where I cross the line.

My heart flutters as she says that. I miss her so much.

You are a worthless excuse for a human. You got the most beautiful and amazing girl in the world to be with you, and you just threw it away—and fucking hurt her, too. バカ。

The tape ends with that, and I wipe away my tears. Too many memories. But most of all, I just miss her so much.

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