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You feel a sudden rush of determination as you process what's going on. An old-timey-looking guy is blasting bursts of black-and white-paint everywhere from an old camera, making the town look straight out of an old movie. Suddenly, Ladybug and Chat jump in front of you. "Ready?" Ladybug asks. You nod, and the team goes in different directions to stop the madness. Chat uses his stick to block paint from hitting buildings, while Ladybug tries to distract the villain. You jump around, looking for things to hopefully help stop the chaos. Hesitantly, you decide to use your power, called "Ghostly Mode". You see yourself turn invisible in a window, and sneakily move towards the guy who is causing the trouble. Ladybug signals where his Akuma lies, in his antique camera, and you stealthily snatch and smash it. The villain returns to his old self, a photographer, and Ladybug de-evilizes the butterfly. The team says its goodbyes and you start walking back to the bakery. A hand lays on your shoulder. You turn around to see that Chat is saying "Wait, don't go." in his eyes. You stop since you still have time before you automatically change back into (YN). "Hey." He says. "Uh, hi...?" You reply as he takes a step closer to you. "Um, you were pretty awesome back there." Through his mask, you can see the pink of his face. "Hehe, thanks. You were too." "So, uh, want to something?" Chat nervously asks you. You look at your necklace, seeing that you have around an hour to spend time with Chat as Artica. "Sure. Where?" Chat looks around, and then realizes something. "Oh no.." "What?" You curiously say. "I-I forgot I have to be somewhere in...2 HOURS?! Uh, I'll see you later!" Chat runs off with no explanation. You go back home and change back. A sudden realization hits you, too. You still have to find a dress.

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