Chapter 9!

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Bryson POV
Today is the day I meet Imani. I am so scared. I never been this scared ever in life. Imani is a very nice girl from what I heard. I just want her to like me for me. Just because I can sing don't mean nothing. Before fame,I was working at McDonald's. I just want her to realize fame don't change a person's personality. Chris Brown called me today. He wanted me to go on tour with him. I am so excited. I am leaving tomorrow. I don't want to leave Harley but, I know she will be in good hands because she is with Ashantie. Blu better not have no parties while I'm gone. I will find out. I always do. I talked to Mia today. She went to jail which is why we haven't been seeing her around. She said she got out for good behavior. Turns out Imani told the police on her. I never thought it could be Mia. Kyle got a life sentence. That's what he gets. Mia better stay away from my family. Now you see why I wanted to move. I haven't told Blu about Mia getting out of jail because she will cause a fight with her or maybe even worse. This is why I need to get away.


Today Imani is meeting Bryson. I am not nervous or scared. It's just like her meeting my niece. Bryson won't try and get with her, at least I don't think. She might get mad at me since I haven't told her my brother is famous. I just told her she needs to meet my brother for this relationship to go farther. Imani isn't very excited about meeting him. She is actually very laid back about the situation. Hopefully, with Bryson being famous and all, she don't go all fan-girly on me and be all under him. But, Imani isn't like that. She is different. Bryson is going on tour with Chris Brown tomorrow. OMGG! Chris Brown is major famous. He is like a honor to be on tour with. My brother has came along way. From McDonald to Trapsoul. That could be a good movie. Or even better, Confessions:A Bryson tiller story. It could be about how me and Mia went out then I met Imani and Bryson with Ashantie and finding Harley. That book would be so great. But, all I know for now is that brother has came a long way. He is Finally getting the respect and credit he always wanted. He is finally fulfilling his dream to be famous. "But, isn't that all our dream? Even the famous people once was like us. Started with nothing to eating gold dumplings. I too, could be famous. But, the fame is not for me. The paparazzi with cameras making my eyes bleed. The need  to shop everyday. All the people in your face. Asking for pictures but they are not to blame. Fans our just admired by your fame. This isn't the fame game. This is the game of life. Your fame is like ice. It was once full and solid. And slowly fades away. Some people to this day, only wish is to have fame. My desire is to live life. Fame seems nice but, I don't want to live like ice. Although, my funeral will be nice and full it would be filled with people I never knew. Fame is not the game I would like to play." That was a poem I written at the hospital to pass time. I never knew how deep I felt because I never show emotion. I let my guard down for Mia but, I got betrayed. I'm letting it down for Imani and hopefully, it won't be the same as Mia. Imani iron her way over here to meet Bryson before he leaves in like  a hour so he can stay at a friend's house that is by the airport.

Imani POV

I pulled up at Blu's house and it looked like a average house. Nothing fancy, nothing ghetto. I walked in and saw Bryson Tiller. Omg omg omg! Bryson Tiller is so famous and hot. But, seeing that is Blu's brother, I will have to seem normal around him. He was actually really nice. He had some very funny but corny jokes. After I hung out with him, I realized he is a normal person just like me. The fame didn't change him at all. Blu is going to stay at my house for like 3 months until Bryson gets off tour. This is going to be so fun. I live by myself because it was my mom's house but, she is in rehab for drugs and my dad, I don't even know who he is. Blu's dad died 3 years after she was born. We are going to do some things at my house. We gone take Netflix And Chill to a whole new level. While I was finishing up my meet with Bryson, we heard a knock on the door. I opened it having a knife in my pocket for protection. It was Mia! She pushed me aside and went straight to Blu. Blu got up taking up for me. "Keep your hands off my girl shordie" yelled Blu. Mia and Blu started fighting. Since that's my bae, I jumped in. Mia got carried out by Bryson. She had blood all over her. I ain't feel bad at all. Mia knows not to come her ass back in here or next time her ass gone be dead. I left after that because I didn't know how Bryson would react after that. Blu came with me. We are watching Juice right now. We stared in eachother's eyes. But, I don't kiss and tell.😏


I went to Blu house looking for a fight. I am still in love with Blu. My intentions were to fight Imani and beg Blu to take me back. After Imani opened the door, I panicked. I didn't know what to do so when I pushed her Blu told me to not touch her and then we started fighting. Imani jumped in. I wasn't surprised that she did cause I would have did the same thing if it was the other way around. Bryson dragged me out. I was so heartbroken, I went home and cried myself to sleep. I know now that she don't want me back. What is my life become? Blu is the one who kept me happy. Now that I messed that up and started flirting with Bryson, I ruined my chances. I'm going to commit suicide probably. Nah, I'm just going to move to California and get a new phone and start life over.


Mom: Watching soap operas
Blu: In bed with Imani
Bryson: On FaceTime with Ashantie
Harley: Sleeping
Kyle: Rotting in jail
Imani: Getting nasty with Blu
Mia: Currently packing her things to move.
Me: Currently writing the next chapter.

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