Meet Ashantie

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    Ashantie POV

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    Ashantie POV

  Hey I am Ashantie, Bryson boo. Honestly, I am with Bryson so I can use his money and to get noticed by the paparazzi. Bryson don't know that I have a man on the side. My man,Kyle said to get with Bryson so we can use his money. The plan is to rob him dead broke. I'm going to buy the most expensive stuff to run the money down quick. Then i'm going to take out money from the bank. Kyle will kill Bryson and we will get away with all his money.  Hopefully, our plan work. But, I kind of got feelings for young Tiller. Bryson is so sweet to me I can't believe I am doing this to him. I think i'm going to just turn Kyle in to the police. Kyle could go to jail for 20 years or more. But, Bryson treats me like a queen. Queen's don't steal from their king's. Bryson truly has my heart now.

Whole notha level: A Bryson Tiller storyWhere stories live. Discover now