Chapter 6‼️

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Bryson POV

I just got out the hospital. It's time to find Harley. I called up the only person I knew would help me,Ashantie. I heard she had a ex named Kyle. He does stuff like this. When I called Ashantie, she knew who did it and was ready to help. "Kyle did it!" She yelled. "I'm sorry Bryson. I was using you to take your money. Me and Kyle were still together. Our plan was for him to shoot you and I would get your insurance money. I was going to split it with Kyle." After I heard what Ashantie had to say, I didn't want her help. But, I knew I couldn't do this alone. She looked sad. I knew she was honest and wasn't going to go through with the plan anymore. We went to Kyle's apartment. No answer. We called Kyle. No answer. We went to his mother's house. She wasn't there either. Kyle basically disappeared with my baby. I heard footsteps. We went around the back. We found Kyle trying to hop the gate. "Kyle were is my daughter and you better tell me now!" I yelled. Kyle pointed towards a well. I started shaking while I walked over there. She was sleep in the bucket of the well. I called her name. She didn't answer. I was livid. I grabbed my baby. She was cold,and stiff. I started to cry. Ashantie was holding down Kyle while I called the police. The police took Kyle to the station. A nice police officer stayed back to ask me and Ashantie some questions. She asked what happened and why would he do it. Ashantie told her everything. She was going to go to jail but, she didn't go through with the plan. I rushed to the hospital as fast as I could. "Harley is in room 321" said the nurse. I ran to room 321 and saw my baby. "We don't think she is going to make it." sighed the doctor. I cried and cried. I knew she was going to die. Blu ran off with this Imani girl. Mia was nowhere to be found. Kyle was in jail. Ashantie has been by my side this whole time. I honestly think me and Ashantie can overcome her greed and selfishness. She really was there when I needed her. Harley is dying. I haven't made a song in 4 days. My record deal is going to be over. I will be broke again. I will have another person I cared about die. She was the only person who made me happy. I don't want to make new kids. I want Harley. I am depressed. I feel like I can't go through the rest of my life without my daughter. She was my soul,pride,joy,heart and, this is all my fault. I feel like I should be with my baby. If she dies, I wanna die right with her. I feel empty without my baby. She completes me. She is so much like her mother, I feel bad every time I look at her. I can't finish life. I am nothing without Harley. It's so many things that are stressing me out that I can't keep living with a smile on my face. I want to be hidden from all people. I only want to see my daughter, nobody

2 weeks later...........

Harley died.She was raped and strangled. Her funeral is today. Ashantie is attending her funeral in 2 minutes. (2 minutes later at the Heaven Arise Church) I saw Harley in her casket. Since not many people didn't know Harley existed, only a few came to the funeral. Harley looked so beautiful. She was wearing a white puffy dress with matching sandals. Her hair was in a bun with her flower headband on. I thought I heard her breath when I laid my head on her one last time. I heard a tiny cough. She sat up in the coffin. My baby was alive! I grabbed my baby and we went to the hospital. They explained it was a mix up from the patient in room 327. "Harley was only in a coma." The doctor explained. "We are sorry about the mix up. You will receive 10 Million dollars for your struggles and heartache. You will be refunded your money from funeral costs." I was so happy to know my daughter was alive. I took my baby out for ice cream. Then I saw my sister. "Where have you been??" I said. "I have been trying to stay away from the violence happening around us." Blu said nervously. I was just happy that my family was okay. Thank god, they locked that monster. Luckily, my family is healthy and well.

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