Feelings - Girls

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Pretty Ren  XD


Your P.O.V - She's so beautiful. Yang Xiao Long, I've had a crush on her before she even knew I existed and now we're best friends. It's probably foolish to hope that she returns my feelings, she more than likely doesn't even roll that way and all her gestures were just small jokes more than likely.

Her P.O.V - Oh if only (Y/n) knew that I knew who she was before she was pushed on my lap. She was the most gorgeous girl I've seen and she is still the most gorgeous. I just never told her since she might think that's weird and now we're friends but I wish we were more. I wish I could do things that only couples do.


Your P.O.V - What's this weird fluttering feeling in my chest? I always feel it around Nora for some odd reason or if she suddenly pops in my mind. I mean she is attractive, nice, outspoken and she's helped me make friends that I thought I'd never have. Oh, OH. Oh my- I can't believe I've fallen for Nora.

Her P.O.V - I can't wait to see (Y/n) today! Today we're going to hang out together without Ren and I can't wait! I get to be alone with (Y/n), she's so pretty. My face is red now, I wonder why? Anyway! Me and (Y/n) are going to.... *gasp* omg I like her! I like her! Oh, I have to confess and hope she won't reject me!


Your P.O.V - I hope Ruby likes these cookies I made for her, I'm not that good at baking or cooking. I've been getting cookies from one of the best bakery's in Vale and this time I actually wanted to make something from the heart for her. If she does like it I'll get to see her adorable face, I just hope Yang won't fight me off.

Her P.O.V - I wonder where (Y/n) is, it's already past noon and I haven't seen her yet. I hope she's alright, I don't want anything bad to happen to my best friend. Why did I just feel an ache in my chest after calling her my best friend? Maybe I should ask Yang. Wait no (Y/n) and Yang don't really get along. I should go ask Pyrrha, yeah that's a good idea.


Your P.O.V - Pyrrha is so... beautiful and gorgeous. I started to gain a crush on her after we became good friends but I know we could never be. She likes Jaune, my twin brother. I don't blame her. I'll just stay silent and be happy for them. Jaune deserves her more than me.

Her P.O.V - How have I never realized this before? I... I used to like Jaune but now I feel my heart yearning for (Y/n). It's not a bad thing, I knew Jaune never liked me like that. I think that it would be for the best I confessed to (Y/n), I have good chances since she's never talked about having a crush on someone.


Your P.O.V - I'm glad that I met Blake, I'm also glad that she's friends with Sun.... But seeing them together makes my heart ache and it made me realize that I like Blake and I want us to be together. I don't know what to do though. Should I confess to her and risk our friendship or say nothing and watch my two of my closest friends end up together?

Her P.O.V - Ever since I met (Y/n) I felt this weird feeling in my chest and my stomach would feel flip whenever we're near or if she suddenly pops in my head or if I'm hanging out with Sun and he says her name. I haven't been with someone since.... But I think I'm ready for someone new and that someone is a girl named (Y/n).


Your P.O.V - When I first met Weiss I wasn't sure about her but now I trust her more than Velvet, my own sister. I think I slowly gained a crush on her and as we spent more time together it grew to being more than a crush, if that makes any sense. I just hope we continue to be together either as just friends or a couple.

Her P.O.V - I never thought I'd be friends with a Faunus let alone have a crush on one and my crush also happens to be a girl. Father is going to be angry.... But I don't care. Instead of using my head I'm going to use my heart, I just hope that she will return my feelings when I confess.


Your P.O.V - I love when Coco brushes my tail and hair, and that she bought me two different brushes for each one. I also love when she saves me from Cardin Winchester and his team. I just don't understand how someone so... breathtaking would be friends with me and because of that I ended up falling for her everyday.

Her P.O.V - I'm glad that I noticed Winchester bullying my cute little foxy. And yes I did just say my cute little foxy. She's just the cutest and she's going to be all mine soon. Well that's if she accepts my confession and goes out with me but who wouldn't want to go out with me, I'll just have to see.


Your P.O.V - I'm grateful that Emerald became my friend and took care of me when I was still grieving over my dad. And because of that I formed a crush on her. I have no idea how she'd respond if I told her, I don't even know if I should tell her or not. I'm still debating if I should go back to the White Fang.

Her P.O.V - After I befriended (Y/n) I formed a bond I didn't think I'd make while in Beacon. Cinder and Mercury found out, they didn't really mind much I just can't sell us out which is something I'm not going to do. I think that I'm am going to ask (Y/n) to be my girlfriend and I'll just hope.


Your P.O.V - I'm so happy that Neo saved me from my father. Ever since we first met my stomach would flutter every time she's near and I'd blush. I don't know if she feels the same though, she's really close Roman and she's probably going out with him. I won't say anything so that I don't ruin our friendship.

Her P.O.V - I'm going to tell and I am going to make her mine. I'm going to treat her like a princess, the way that her father should have treated her except she's going to be my girlfriend. And I am going to make sure she stays happy for as long as I can. She deserves to be happy even when she lives with murderers and thieves.


Your P.O.V - Staying in Atlas wasn't so bad now with Winter, it became more than flirting and being friends. Now I want us to be a couple. I don't know what'd she say though when I ask her. Well I'm just going to go for it, Branwen's are all about taking risks.

Her P.O.V - Father is going to be so upset with me when he finds out who I'm going to ask to be mine. No wait he's going to be furious. If your wondering who I'm asking that's (Y/n) Branwen and I can't believe it but I'm going to do it. I just hope that all goes well.

Second update today! Enjoy you guys.

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