"Promise Me."

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When Carl returned to his cell that night, he saw that Tristan was fast asleep. His features were completely relaxed, and he didn't look like he had been crying. His hair was still a bit wet, probably from him showering.

Carl stared at him for a few seconds, trying to decipher in his head why Tristan said that he would be putting himself in danger by liking him. But as he stared at the sleeping figure of the only person in this prison he was sure would live to see his 50's, he knew that he only wanted to be with this boy. Even if it meant that his life was always at risk.

And as he lay in bed, thinking about the boy that was close enough for him to touch, he smiled at the thought of the kiss, his hand coming up to brush against his lips.
"Carl!" Beth's voice shouted, jarring Carl from his pleasant dream.

He blinked away the weariness, looking around, before throwing his feet off the bed.

"Beth?" Carl replied.

There were tears in her eyes as she stared at him.

Then he noticed that Rick and Michonne had shown up as well.

"What happened?" Carl asked, suddenly worried.

"Patrick turned into a walker." Rick said. "Tristan found him and some others he had infected throughout the night."

Carl's eyes widened as he stood up.

"Where's Tristan?" Carl asked worriedly.

"After he killed Patrick, he got a lot of blood on him." Rick said. "But he thinks that Patrick got some sort of sickness that killed him. And now he's afraid that he may have contracted it."

Carl stared at him, before he pushed past them to find Tristan.

He did, eventually being led by Carol, who didn't think it was a very good idea to see him.

When he arrived at the place Carol deemed safe enough-the visiting room- Tristan was already waiting, sitting and on the small counter.

"Be careful Carl." Carol warned, eyeing Tristan, who was too busy staring at his real visitor.

"You came all this way to visit lil ol ' me?" Tristan asked, a playful hint to his voice.

"What happened?!" Carl questioned, his hand pressing up against the glass.

"Patrick left the book reading yesterday, and I was talking to Michonne about how a lot of people seemed to have been coughing," Tristan began. "And then this morning, I ran into Patrick and he was a walker. His eyes were bleeding, so I assumed that had happened before he died. When he attacked me I wasn't really armed, so I had to stop him with my hands."

Carl opened his mouth to speak, before realizing that Tristan was only in there with a small knife, that was sitting on the counter a few inches away from where Tristan was sitting.

"Where's your bow and arrow?" Carl asked, looking around the place, trying to see if Tristan had just removed them to talk.

"I left them on my bed. It was supposed to be a brief walk, then I was gonna go back and talk to you." Tristan said, rubbing the back of his head as he looked down at the ground.

"Talk about what?" Carl asked, leaning forward.

"You know, I can look at a walker, right in the eyes, before I stab it in the center of it's forehead, but something about staring into your eyes and telling you what is on my mind. And it's infuriating to be honest." Tristan said, tapping his knuckle against the glass that separated him from Carl. 


"Because," Tristan began. " all the thoughts are just jumbled up in my head, and I want to get them out, but I don't know how to. You know?" Tristan turned to look at Carl and noticed that he was a lot closer to the glass than he thought. Again Carl was almost mirroring his actions, sitting on the counter, staring straight ahead.

"So what are your thoughts then? Even if they are all jumbled up?"Carl asked. "Do you just not like me, is that why you freaked out?"

"No!" Tristan said. "It's not that. Definitely not that!"

"Then what is it?!" Carl asked, his voice raising slightly.

"I used to travel with a big group of survivors. There were a lot of us, possibly even more than everyone here at the prison." Tristan explained. "And I thought that I would be with them all the time, and we would survive. We had a great set-up. Then they all died, and I was left alone."

Carl stared at him as Tristan seemed to look... weak. For the first time Carl felt like this boy might shatter if he spoke.

"Watching almost 40 people get torn to shreds, while your helpless and out of arrows on a roof, isn;t easy." He said looking down. "And I look at this place, and I see your flimsy protection, and all I can think is that one day, those gates will fall, and everyone here will die, and where does that leave me?"

Carl was speechless as the male turned toward to him.

"I'll be alone. Again." He said. "I didn't want to get as close to you as I did, because I knew that I would have to run away sooner or later in order to make sure that I would be able to survive losing everybody here." Tears blossomed in Tristan;s eyes as he stared at Carl. "I wanted to leave last night, but then you did that, and I couldn't bring myself to do it!"

"What do I need to do to show you that you don't need to run away anymore?" Carl asked, sadness washing over him as he watched tears stream down Tristan's face. His hand pressed up against the glass, almost as if when he touched its somehow he would calm Tristan.

There was a brief pause.

"Promise me you won't die." Tristan said, not looking up. "You don't have to mean it. Just promise."

Carl waited until Tristan was looking at him.

"I promise you, that I won't die." He stated.

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