Part 2- dinner

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Dan's POV
Starting right now I'm going to eat better and less. I'll have do exercise before bed and before I know it I'll hopefully be ok again. I'm not going to tell Phil because it'll just worry him, you know what Phil is like, he'll say something soppy like I'm perfect the way I am, or I'm thin I don't need to loose weight, which I'm obviously not, people wouldn't say I'm getting fat otherwise.
"Hey Dan! Do you want a wrap for dinner?" I heard Phil should from what I'm guessing was the kitchen. I decided that a wrap could be on my ok list. I made a list of everything I could and couldn't eat, a warap was on my good list. It can't be that bad for me, right?
"Yes please, do you need any help?" I asked. Phil tried, he really did but he wasn't exactly the best cook in London. I mean his food is edible and mostly nice and I guess he tries but some things not even I will eat
"Not at the moment, I think I can handle making a wrap" he shouted back. I smiled and giggled a little to myself thinking about the way he said think and went back to scrolling through tumblr. I went through a few gifs, found some great fan art and reblogged a few things. After around ten minutes later Phil called me "come on Dan your dinner is ready" he shouted. I slowly made my way into the living room, sitting next to Phil and we watched a movie while picking at our wraps. I looked across to Phil and saw how fast he was eating his wrap with no worries about getting fat or anything. I sighed to myself and continued to pick at my wrap, this is going to help me, I'm going to get better doing this, I'll be healthy and skinny again. It was a Sunday night so Phil had to do his live show. I got out of his way once I finished my wrap. He didn't ask me to leave but I can tell I wasn't exactly welcome there and it was almost 7pm, the time he starts his live show. I went into my room but I could still hear him. Listening to Phil through the door as I left the living room and my bedroom door open. He was laughing, joking and having fun with his fans but why can't I do that with mine? I know that none of Phil's fans say anything bad to him, they never tell him to loose weight, that he's ugly, nothing. Then look at me, I'm basically being attacked by my fans daily. I'm constantly being called fat or a rat, whatever they fancy saying that day and if I'm honest it really upsets me. Phil finished his show and I went back into the living room. "Did you have fun?" I asked
"Yeah, our fans are so kind" he replies
"Yeah..." I'm starting to wonder maybe it's just me, maybe I'm just a really unlikeable person. Maybe they'll like me again when I'm thin. No one likes the fat one, well not in my case anyway.

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