Part 9- shower

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Phil's POV
I knew Dan was lying to me, he's sick and he needs help. He just ate the pasta to prove me wrong and if I'm honest it hurt me. A lot. I'm not stupid I know Dan isn't eating and I only confronted him to try to help him. In a perfect reality I was hoping that he would break down in tears and then we'd get him help. That we could go through this together but every single time Dan insists that he's fine then changes the conversation. Does he not think that I don't hear him in the nights when he's throwing up because he's ate something scarily small? I've always wanted to confront him about it but I'm scared he'd deny it and run off somewhere. I sat in front of the bathroom door where I listened to him vomit what little he had eaten. It broke my heart. That's all I wanted to do was run into the bathroom and make him stop, give him a big hug and tell him that everything was going to be alright, but I couldn't. I had to listen to him and let it rip me apart as well as him. I needed him to stop. I couldn't loose my Dan.
I sat by the bathroom listening to his sobs echo over the sound of the shower. Each sob ripped me apart more and more, each sob made me realise that I had to do something quickly. There was no point in making him eat because he'll just throw it all back up and eventually he'll start hating me for it, if I checked him into a hospital he'd check himself out and then he'd hate me for it. I had to help him, I just didn't know how to. I couldn't watch Dan slowly kill himself anymore.
While lost in my thoughts, daydreaming on how I was going to help Dan and we'd live happily ever after again I didn't hear him turn the shower off. I also didn't hear the door open until Dan almost tripped over me.
"Oh sorry Phil, did you need to use the bathroom? Sorry I took so long, how long were you there?" The panic in Dans voice. Poor Dan sounded terrified. I couldn't take it anymore I couldn't watch Dan ruin his life
I looked up at Dan with big sad eyes "Dan, I heard you in the bathroom throwing up and sobbing in the shower. What's wrong? Talk to me". Dan was large fuzzy bathrobe, I could see nothing but his face, his bony ankles and his now skinny fingers that were gripping the sides of his robe.
"I...don't know what you're talking about... I was just taking a shower" he lied, I could see right through him, you can see the guilt on his face. This was it, I'm not going to let Dan lie to my face anymore.
"I heard you vomit, I heard you sobbing in the shower, what's wrong Dan?" I tried again, I needed to know what was wrong with my Dan.
"Fuck off, yeah, I was just taking a shower you know nothing about me" he hissed before going upstairs and slamming his bedroom door behind him. It's going to be hard work getting Dan to admit to me he has a problem.

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