Chapter Eighteen

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After Louis' long talk with Zayn, he decided to go back to the house to his wife. He felt it was the smart thing to do after everything him and Zayn made sense of. They needed to work things out if he wanted their relationship to work. Surely that would make his father happy. Surely that would get his mind off of Harry...

But on the drive there at the ten o'clock hour, he is all he can think about. How long has he been without Harry? Not even a day? It hasn't even been a day and Louis is going insane without him- maybe literally insane, in fact. He thought he saw the little cupcake on the side of the road, casually walking to wherever his Converse shoes would take him. Louis pulled over and called his name. When the teenage boy turned his head, however, he was anything but the beautiful young boy that he loved.

As he pulled up to the house, Louis wiped away the escaping tears. He would have parked in the driveway, but his parking space was already occupied by Liam and Sophia's grey mini van. Louis immediately assumed it was Sophia, forgetting the fact that she cannot drive so far along in her pregnancy.

In no rush whatsoever to get inside, Louis slid out of his seat, locking the doors to his run down vehicle with a push of a button. While walking up to the front door, house key ready, he hummed the tune to a song Harry had made up and sung by memory. Even with Harry's lack of education, he found the words to the song impressive and they truly made him seem wise beyond his years. Lyrics like those are hard to forget, especially if they were written by someone you love with all your heart.

Well, not all of your heart. No one can love someone else with all their heart if it's broken.

On the other side of the front door, Louis was able to hear suggestive noise, sounds that made his blood boil in anger. Thoughts raced by like fast forwarded credits after a movie, considerations of what to do next- without hurting anyone. His small hands were clenched into fists, veins popping out. He threw the door open furiously.

The horror on Eleanor's face was priceless.

Her body sprung off of Liam's instantly. Lying on his back there on the couch, shirtless and eyes wide, Liam was in a panic. He was in so much of a panic he couldn't budge a muscle.

Eleanor, meanwhile, was just as still and silent. She stood in the middle of the living room with trembling lips. Her arms were awkwardly folded in front of her breasts that were barely covered by a lace bra.

For about thirty long seconds, they all were quiet, none uttering a single word. Then, Louis exploded.

"What in the actual hell did I just walk in on?" He yelled at Eleanor, throwing his arms down at his side, not knowing what else to do with them. "You're a complete hypocrite!"

"It's not what it looks like-"

"Shut the fuck up!" Louis nearly screamed, stepping towards her with a red face and snarled teeth. His eyes were but daggers boring holes into her skull. "I know exactly what I saw when I opened that door. I'm not stupid, but I am for staying with you."

For now, Louis avoided his friend who was frantically getting clothed again. He only continued to glare at his wife whose eyes were filling with tears. Perhaps his furious screams were the cause of her tears or the guilt of getting caught. Either way, Louis felt no pity.

"I support you by playing gigs at a stupid ass bar. I have sex with you so much, even when I don't want to, that I don't enjoy it anymore... which still doesn't seem like enough for you by the looks of it," Louis began to rant, letting out the complaints he had been holding in for months, years perhaps. "You don't work, you're selfish, and have done nothing but put down my dreams."

She shook her head in refusal. "Louis, I-"

"No," he interrupted again, tugging at his own hair. "I'm not taking anymore of your shit. And to think... I was coming back here to make things right."

"And what about you, huh?" Eleanor snarled, getting in Louis' face with a scowl, her cheeks flushing red. "You're the one who cheated on me first with that orphan brat!"

He ignored what she called his angel before backing away from her with round eyes. "I know that what I did was wrong," he insisted, "but that 'orphan brat' has made me happier and has given me more love than you have in all of the time I've been with you."

Eleanor was clearly stunned. Her eyes were still full of tears, hands shaky at her sides. She looked ashamed (which she was) and quite confused (which she was not). She knew exactly what she had done. She knew exactly how she had put him down time after time for something he was so passionate about.

But she didn't care in the end, and that made Louis furious.

"And you," he snarled at Liam who though he could sneak past the conflicting couple. "I thought we were friends, but you know what? That's not why I'm mad. I'm mad because you have a wife who loves you with all she has, sitting at home right now. And she is pregnant."

Liam froze where he was about a yard from the door. Shame filled his big brown eyes. He resembled a sad, lost puppy dog that just got in trouble for chewing up a shoe. It's easy to forgive an adorable puppy, but at the moment, Louis felt that what Liam had done was unforgivable. Maybe it was.

"I hope you know how you're going to tell her because if you don't," Louis turned the handle of the front door, "I will." With that, he left.

He stormed out of his house with only his keys, phone, and wallet. He stormed out of his house and left behind all he had known for the past several years... yet, he felt strangely at peace as he pulled away, almost like a weight had been lifted from his shoulders.

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