Chapter 16- All Laurence

Start from the beginning


"You know she isn't any good. She's just using you for the money. Honestly honey how can you be so blind?" It was his mother this time as he walked past her and into the kitchen. He had spent all afternoon with Dahlia, taking pictures of her as they basked in both of their nakedness.

"You have no idea what you're talking about Mom. You don't even know her." He went to grab water.

"Oh but I do honey. I know girls like that. Poor and underpriviliged wishing to ride the coattails of the richer folk. How can you not see that?"

"I'm not talking about this anymore." He moved past her but she blocked him from leaving.

"you are leaving to college in a few months Laurence, a few months. What then? I hope you don't think you can keep this up. It's just puppy love. You are going to meet real women in college. Woman who are ready to contribute to your future not burden it." She urged him with her eyes.

"I don't care how far I am I'm staying with her. I love her mom and nothing is going to change that."

"I beg to differ." She scowled. "Your father would like to speak with you in his study." He almost refused but her eyes broke no arguements and he nodded his consent leaving her to look after him as he walked away.

His nerves finally sparked when he was seated in front of his father and his father was drinking a scotch on the rocks. The only time he ever saw him drinking was when there was something serious that he was planning on doing but didn't wholeheartedly agree with it. And only ever regarding a business transaction. Laurence felt his heart rate speed up when he saw his father take a swig.

"Mom said you wanted to see me." he said to break the silence because it was driving him insane.

"Your mother has come to me with some concerns about your little fling at school."

"She's not a fling Dad she's my girlfriend and her name is Dahlia."

"You are 18 years old son, how much of the world do you really know? Girls like that are only ever interested in how much money you have in your wallet. That is all they will care about." His father took another sip of scotch.

"Dahlia isn't like that!" Laurence yelled with conviction. "You guys know nothing about her. You have no idea all that she is capable of. Her dreams and aspirations. How well her mother raised her."

"How well could she have been raised in a single parent household?" He asked and throws back the rest of his scotch.

"Stop it! I'm done." Laurence moved to get up but his Dad's words stop him.

"What if we cut you off? Disown you?"

Laurence did a double take. The words repeated over and over again in his mind but all he was to picture was they way Dahlia looked at him while he held the camera in his hand. He decided then and there that she was worth it. That she would always be worth it.

"Cut me off. Kick me out. My grades are good enough to get me into any college. I could accept the football scholarship that I was offered. I'll still have future and I'll have Dahlia too." When he finished his father burst into loud laughter.

"Just as determined as I was at your age. Okay fine. Get dressed in something nice I'm taking you somewhere and not a word to your mother about it. And that wasn't a request."

Laurence didn't question him, not with that tone of voice, and went upstairs to get dressed. As he was coming down he heard his parents speaking in harsh whispers.

"You promised me William. No more of that place, No more." She had tears streaking down her face.

"This is for our son Mary. You heard what he said. Do you want to loose him?" William grabbed at her shoulders.

"But is this the only way? Is this the only solution?" Mary asked him desprately.

"Do you see any other option?" Mary resigned herself and tension grew thick between them.

"I'm ready." Laurence and his mother hid behind her hand as she backed away and disappered into the kitchen. "Is mom okay?"

"She's fine. Let's go."


The drive took them half an hour and it was done in absolute silence. His father gave nothing away as they drove even while Laurence questioned him. When they found themselves parked behind some obscure wareshouse with dozens of cars lined up on either side of him Laurence demanded to know what the hell was going.

"watch the language son. You will see in just a second." Trepidation settled in Laurence's stomach but he followed his father and they made their way to a door not easily seen from far away. Laurence watched as his father knockede once, paused, knocked twice pause and then knock three final times. A slot in the door opened revealing eyes.

"Why isn't old Will come grace us with his prescense. Long time no see friend." A large booming voice came from the other side of the door as he took William in. Then those dark eyes darted to Laurence. "Who's the kid?"

"My son."

"Right." The slot closed and the door opened. "Don't forget to inform Wayne about him."

"Of course Nick." Wiliam smiled. Nick smiled back.

"Good to have you back." He looked over at Lauerance and the smile grew sinister. "Have fun kid."

When they were down the hallway Lauerance turned to his father. "What is this place?"

"Take a look" William drew the curtain open to reveal what was behind. When Laurence took a look his gut lurched and his eyes grew big. His father clapsed onto his shoulder and drew him through the curtain letting it drop behind him. He was so shell shocked that he didn't notice it when someone came to take his coat until they were already removing it.

"Welcome to Wayne's World." The feminine purr told him at his ear.


A/N: So guys can you guess where Laurence is?

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2016 ⏰

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