Chapter 14 : Shelter

Start from the beginning

- Sorry, she said when he emitted a growl of pain to her contact.

- It's nothing shrimp, he whispered.

Then, when his hand had received the appropriate care, he started to do the same with Levy's cut. Seeing her clenching her teeth to hide the pain, Gajeel tried to be gentler. At least, as gentle as the black haired man was able to get. Decidedly, something was wrong with him, he thought while the unpleasant feeling in his abdomen had changed since the little shrimp was safe... different sensation, but not less annoying. He probably had a bloody cold or something.

- Why are you having that dumb smile? He growled as a timid smile appeared in the young woman's face.

Red added to her checks when she realised he had noticed.

- It... it's nothing, she rushed to say.

- Spit it out, said Gajeel losing his patience.

- I.... she started while playing with her fingers. I was thinking that now we would have a scar at the very same place.

It was Gajeel's turn to feel heat to his cheeks. Tssssss. Stupid cold. Destabilised, he hurried to finish her bandage.

- Stay right here. I'm getting Lily. If those guys are ready to kill people, then they will obviously not hold back for a cat.

- What? Are you insane? What if they're waiting for you in your apartment? You can't go by yourself!

- If you come with me, I'll have to make sure you don't get killed. No way you're following me!

She was about to complain, but he slammed the door in front of her.

- You're the most stubborn man on earth Gajeel Redfox! She yelled to him across the broken window.

- And you, Levy McGarden, you're the most insistent shrimp I've ever met, he said before entering his building without looking back.

He climbed the stairs, satisfied to see she hadn't follow. He opened the door and didn't see any traces of intrusion."Pfff... The shrimp was worried for not..." He didn't have time to complete his reflection before a man jumped in his back, a dagger on his throat. Only his reflexes where responsible of his intact neck, the young man placing his hand before his throat, right were the blade should have pierced his skin. He pressed his soaked with blood hand to his chest. With a single movement, he took off the now useless bandage while the second assassin came out of the kitchen. "Shrimp was right... they were waiting for me". He didn't have any more time to think. The men were coming at him. With a movement he was only able to pull because of his numerous years on the streets, he was able to make one of the men drop his dagger witch continued its course right under the cupboards. As for the other one, Gajeel had barely the time to grab the beer bottle he hadn't had time to finish and broke it on the man's forehead. Sadly, the one he managed to unarm hadn't say his last word and he felt a chair smash the back of his head.

Gajeel may have a thick skull, the hit was able to destabilise him more than he had hope. His enemy took advantage of the situation and added a violent hit with his knee on his face and everything when dark around him. He hadn't lost conscience, but it was as if. His reflexes were practically inexistent, his vision was foggy, his strength was cut off. When he felt himself lifted by the collar, Gajeel saw through the fog the silver luster of a knife ready to end him.

Instead of the sharp pain he was expecting, he felt a heavy mass collapsing on him. Slowly, the mass disappeared from him. Then he felt something smooth playing with his long bangs in such a gentle way he almost feel asleep for good. But a voice hooked him to reality. As time passed without him being able to articulate a decent answer, the voice became more insistent, the fingers running through his hair betraying anxiety. Then his vision when clearer and he finally could notice the blue of her hair.

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