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*Ali's POV*

So, Marcel and I just watched another movie. This time we watched the Hangover to lighten up the mood a tad since the Titanic was kind of depressing. Most people would be nervous to spend the night at their crushes house, but we've done it before so it's really no different. Sure, I hope I don't snore, but Marcel knows every little thing about me. He's seen me at my worst and my best, so there's not much else I can do! I am kinda nervous to share a bed though because how is that supposed to work? Usually he'd argue with me until I let him sleep on the couch and have me take the bed, but last night he didn't and I don't know why... Not that I'm gonna complain. Wait, I don't have anything to wear!

"Hey, Marcel?" He hummed in response and turned his head away from the TV to look at me. "I don't have anything to wear. Can I borrow one of your shirts and shorts?"

"Yeah, sure! I'll go get them for you! Wait here," Marcel replied and I moved my legs off of his so he could get up and get them. He hopped off the bed and walked towards the closet.

"How about you change too while you're at it! I'm not sure skin tight skinny jeans will be the most comfortable things to sleep in," I said suggested to him while he rummaged through his very messy closet.

"But they make my butt look cute!" We both laughed and I shook my wad, even though he couldn't see me. He was right though. His butt looked per-fect.

"I don't think the adorableness of your butt matters when you are sleeping, Marcella," I joked.

Marcel chuckled, "Marcella?"

"Yep! I don't know, you just seemed kind of girly then. Worrying about your butt and all."

"Fine, fine. I'll admit, it was a bit girly. I'll change just for you!" He walked out of the closet and handed me black basketball shorts and a Rolling Stones t shirt. He loved the Rolling Stones, which everyone always though was weird because he was the nerd. He won't admit to it, but his voice is truly incredible! One time I walked in on him singing while he did his homework. His voice was deep and just sounded heavenly. I've tried to get him to sing for me ever since, but he won't.

"Thank you! Now go change, butt boy," I said, causing him to throw his head back in laughter. He made such a cute face when he laughed really hard. It made you want to laugh, too. I walked over to his bathroom and shut the door so that I could change. I was putting on his shorts when i almost fell over, but luckily my master ninja skills managed to save me this time. His shorts hung a little low on me, but they were extremely comfortable. His shirt for me pretty well because he is very slim so it wasn't gigantic or anything. It still went down to mid thigh, nevertheless. I threw my hair up in a messy bun and pulled some hair out to frame my face so I wouldn't look like a complete bum. I washed my face and brushed my teeth using the toothbrush I have here just in case I need it. He knows I have to do the because I am very OCD about needing to be clean. I hate acne and having yellow teeth.

When I came back out Marcel was neatly unmaking the bed. He was wearing basketball shorts identical to mine and then a basketball jersey. Oh my gosh, he looked hot. Like really hot. You could see his arm and back muscles perfectly and then several of his tattoos were displayed. He had a gorgeous ship tattooed on his arm and several other tattoos around it. There was a heart, a star, and, if course, a pink Floyd tattoo. They all had to mean something, so I guess I'll just ask him later. Maybe the ship is just a ship, though...

I looked back down at my appearance. He looks like that and I look like this. Great. He turned to me and he looked kind of distressed. It was actually quite adorable. He held a pillow in one of his hands, and for a second I thought down thing was really wrong.

"Do you want two pillows or just one because if you just want one, I can put the other one away, but if you want two ill just keep it here and-" his rambling was cut off by the giggles escaping my mouth. He was so cute and distraught over a pillow! He furrowed his eyebrows and ran a hand through his hair.

"Two pillows is fine, Marcel. Thank you," I said and plopped down on the bed.

"Are you sure? If you only want one, I can-"

"It's perfect." He smiled brightly at me and plopped down next to me.

"You wear that outfit so much better than I do," he said and poked my belly, causing me to blush a little.

I let out a light laugh, "Thanks. You wear that outfit better than I could!" I reply and poke his arm.

"Go to sleep, Ali Cat. You're drunk," he laughed and pulled the covers over us.

"Am not!"

"Are too!"

"Am not! All I've had today is juice!"

"Sure, 'juice'," he joked, putting air quotes around the word juice.


"Whatever," he mocked me and I hit his arm. I turned my back to him and huffed. He's such a child.

"Aw, no! Come back! I'm sorry," he held out the 'e' sound at the end while he wrapped an arm around me and pulled me back. Now this has ever happened. My heart began to beat rapidly. I gave in.

"Fine." I spoke. 'But only because I like this.' I said in my head.

"What?" Marcel asked in an astonished voice.

"I said fine..." I replied skeptically.

"No, after that."

" I didn't say anything after that, Marcel." Wait... Unless I- Oh, shit. I didn't just say that I liked it in my head, did I?

"No, you said 'but only because I like this.'" He quoted me. Crap crap crap! This isn't good!

"Oh, yeah. I forgot," I nervously laughed, hoping to make him forget about the situation.

"So what is it exactly that you like?" He asked. Here goes nothing. I mustered up every ounce of lady courage that I had in my body and turned around to face him.

"This." I whispered and looked up to meet his eyes. Before he could say anything else, I crashed my lips onto his.

Authors note:

Hey guys! I hope you liked that chapter! I have been so busy lately that I haven't had time to update! I am so sorry! Forgive me? Ill try to update soon(maybe even today!) I hope you enjoyed this cliff hanger as well ;) byee

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