You've Changed(A Marcel/Harry Styles fan fiction)

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"Marcel! No, stop!" I yelled and tried to run away from my best friend as he tickled me without mercy.

"Not until you're late for your plane, Ali!" Marcel replied as he held me down and continued to tickle me.

"No, Marcel! I need to go! I can't miss it!"

"But I want you to stay! Forget visiting your cousins in America for the summer and just stay with me!"

"I wish I could, but my mom is forcing me to go. You'll survive without me, Marcel," I said and he stop tickling me and his facial expression went from a cheeky smile to dead serious. I wonder why. The thing about Marcel is that he is a nerd to everyone else, but he has been my best friend since I was in first grade. I stood up for him back then and we have been inseparable ever since. He is actually really cute, but no one looks close enough to see it. I'm an inbetweener and have other friends, but Marcel Styles is my best and oldest.

"You're the only person who likes me and doesn't refer to me as the nerd. You've always been there for me, and I- I love -"

"Ali, get your butt down here! We are going to be late!" My mom interrupted him and he rolled off of me and grabbed my suitcase.

He cleared his throat and gave me a hug, "I guess I have to let you go now. I love you, Ali. I'll miss you."

"I love you, too, Marcel. I'll miss you a lot," I replied and hugged him tightly. If only he knew how true that was. Yep, I'm in love with Marcel. My nerdy best friend.

He carried my suitcase downstairs like the perfect gentleman and hugged my mom goodbye.

"Goodbye, Mrs. Newman," Marcel said to my mom who is kind of like a mom to him, too.

"How many times have I told you to call me Nora? Call me mom even, just don't call me Mrs., sweetheart. I'm not that old yet," my mom replied and winked at him and ruffled his perfectly slick and straight hair. His hands instantly went up to his hair as a reflex.

I laughed and kissed his cheek, "Don't worry, your plastic hair still looks fantastic." I had to stop myself from reaching up to my lips because they still tingled from where his cheek touched.

"It better, Ali, or I'm blaming you!"

"Me?! I didn't touch it!"

"Well, I can't exactly blame your mom and your her daughter, so I'm blaming you."

"Whatever, bye dork," I replied and hugged him tightly.

"I love you," he whispered in my ear and kissed the top of my head.

"Marcel, can you check the cats food and water before you leave? Don't forget to lock the door!" My mom said as we walked out.

"Of course, Nora," he replied and handed my mom her coat. Marcel is watching over the cat and plants while we are gone. He has had a key for years because sometimes people from school would chase him out of school so we gave him a key because our house was closer than his so he'd have a safe place. Hopefully we won't have that problem now that high school is over and we are both going to UNI.

"Bye, love! See you at the end of summer!" Marcel exclaimed as I reached for the car door handle.

"See ya, Marcel!" I yelled back and plopped down in the car. My heart sank as I thought if not being with him until the end of summer.

Author's note:

So this is my first book and fan fiction! I hope you like it! Marcel is awesome ;D

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