26: Captured! Part 3

Start from the beginning

I gasped. “MY LOCKER IS ON FIRE!!”

I ran to my locker and covered my mouth with my hand as I watched...my iPod fall out and crumble. I fell to my knees. No way.

“I’ll buy you another one!” Mase said, grabbing my by the elbow and lifting me up.

“But the pictures I took on it!” I yelled.

“We’ll take them again, now come on!” he said dragging me to the gym. “Hide behind the bleachers!”

“What ‘bout you?!” I yelled.

“I’m coming!” he said rolling his eyes.

We ran to the bleachers and crawled under them.

But I could still hear and smell the fire.

“It’s getting closer…” Harry whispered, clinging onto me.

“Don’t worry, we’ll be okay. We got Transformers on the way” I said grinning.

“Did you have to turn this into Transformers?” Mase asked groaning.

“Do you want to be Optimus Prime?” I asked crossing my arms.

He nodded.

“Then shut up!”


“Now what?” I asked getting fed up of counting gum. Yes, while waiting for a command, I’ve been counting gum under the bleachers. I’m on 336. Ew.

“ROXY!!” I heard someone yell. “OH MY GOD!! HER LOCKER IS ON FIRE!! WHAT IF SHE’S ON FIRE?! WHAT IF SHE’S DEAD?! SAVE HER DAMMIT!! SAVE HER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

“Shut up!” I heard someone yell, followed by an…


“Hade!!” I yelled grinning.

“OH MY GOD!! I’M HEARING HER GHOST!! It’s okay Roxy…just follow the light, in case you’re in hell then I’d stay out here”

“Hade!!” I yelled again.


Haden was cut off by Eric.

“Shut up Haden!! Just shut up!! She’s in the gym” Eric yelled.

“What’s she doing there? If I was a ghost I’d spy on naked women…Hehe” Hade replied.

I grabbed Harry’s hand and climbed out from the bleachers.

“OH MY GOD!!” Hade screeched once he saw me. “I’m seeing ghosts!! ROXY!! THE LIGHT IS UP THERE!!” he said pointing at the sky.

I rolled my eyes. “Are you that dumb?”

“I’m not dumb” Hade defended himself by pouting like a kid.

“Yes you are!! She’s alive dumbass!” Harry said grinning.

Hade gasped loudly and dramatically. “He’s here too?! Oh Harry! I’ve missed you!”

They hugged and I hugged the rest while Mase growled.

“So, now what?” I asked sighing in boredom.

“I dunno” Hade replied while playing basketball.

“How big is the fire?” I asked, peering over Zane’s shoulder only to be blocked by, Zane’s shoulder.

“Big” Eric replied.

“Rightio, now what?” I asked again.

“We get the hell outta here” Hade replied walking back.

Captured! [Book 2 of The Denied! Series] {NEEDS MAJOR EDITTING!}Where stories live. Discover now