A violent outburst

Start from the beginning

Ok so I never really was good with blood but I had never passed out from it before. But I had never bled out this much. There is a first for everything I guess. "Shit I didn't mean to do that, you ok?" Dean stepped towards me but as I looked down I felt my body go limp and everything went black. 

"So you didn't think you took it too far the moment she started bleeding?!" I heard Chloe's voice as I started to come too. My eyes fluttered open and I saw Roman sat next to me bandaging my arm. Dean must have put me on the sofa in the front room. I didn't remember passing out in this room anyway. I looked up at Roman who hadn't noticed I woke up yet as them two continued to argue. "So your fucking plan to get her back involved hurting her?!" "I didn't fucking mean too! I was playfully pushing her back onto the bed, I was just messing with her and she fell on the floor instead" His voice became weak towards the end. I didn't remember it being playful. "I've seen your playful Dean! To Cassie she will think you we're trying to hurt her!" She roared the last part. She then began to clap sarcastically. "Well done you fucking moron! Your her first abusive relationship!" I cringed at her words. I never caught on to exactly what she was saying as I was feeling a bit weak from passing out. "Stop it" I grumbled out and Roman's eyes snapped to me. Dean and Chloe hadn't heard me, they continued to argue. "Yeah well why don't you tell her to stop being so fucking immature!.." "Your the one being immature Dean! Cassie is just doing what every other strong independent women would do! But your so fucking blind and stupid you think you can boss her around like the sluts you fucked in the past! Your not her pimp Dean! She can do what the hell..." "You guys fucking stop! She's awake" Roman yelled at them both forcing Chloe to stop. I closed my eyes squinting from the loud noise. I opened them again to see Chloe worriedly looking down on me. "You ok? How you feeling?" "Like I passed out" I grogged out. "You'll be fine kiddo" Roman had finished sorting my arm. He sat back looking at me then back at Dean. I refused to look at him, I was angry and wanted to punch him right now. 

"You had us worried for a second" Chloe chuckled out helping me sit up. I clung to my head feeling a pain. I must have bashed my head on the way down. "There was too much blood" I winced out. "I'm sorry" Dean finally spoke. I didn't look at him but I saw the shock on Romans face. "Can I speak to her alone?" He added sounding a bit upset. "Like hell..." Before Chloe could finish Roman grabbed Chloe's arm and dragged her out the room and closed the door. I heard them go into the kitchen out of ear shot. I let out a sigh wishing I didn't have to do this again. "I didn't mean to hurt you" I sucked in a breath before I decided to speak. "You scared me" Dean stayed silent. "Your dangerous Dean". "You wound me up and I let my anger get the better of me. I'm sorry" "You don't say sorry often do you?" I looked up at him to see pain and hurt in his face. He shook his head no. "I was just playing around, I didn't think I would hurt you" I scoffed at his excuse. "You clearly found it amusing Dean. I can't do this anymore. I want you out of my life" I meant it. Well I kind of did. The fact he reacted that way and pushed me scared me but it hurt the thought of not seeing him again.

He stood up and stepped towards me, I looked away as he knelt down in front of me. "Cassie look at me" He softly asked but I couldn't bring myself to. Him being this close I didn't trust myself. I knew I would get the urge to kiss him. I was messed up in the head wanting that even after seeing how angry he can get. I didn't help matters though. I did kind of wind him up. "I don't like it when women get the final word then walk away, it winds me up" that explained the chasing me. "Please look at me" His hand came up onto my lap and the other stroked my cheek. I closed my eyes tightly wishing him mentally to stop but he didn't. He gently pulled my face to look at him as I opened my eyes again. I felt heart broken the moment our eyes met. I could tell he was exhausted from our argument. His eyes we're no longer fueled with rage but sincere and torn up. "I promise you I would never intentionally hurt you.Please forgive me" His lips moved towards mine. I was frozen as tears began to fall down my cheeks. Why was I crying? Why did this hurt so god damn much? "I know you don't want this" His lips traced against my own sending shivers and tingles throughout my whole body. "But I do and I would do anything you want for you to be mine" I shook my head no trying to get some words out but he stopped me with a finger over my lips. "Cassie hear me out, I've been wanting you for the longest time. It took me nine months just to get the courage to speak to you" I watched him confused and a bit taken back. "Just watching you dance alone week after week without a care in the world, seeing you at my cousin's company getting on with things and seeming so confident in what you do, seeing you jog past me every Sunday morning on your weekly jog as we so happened to cross paths, I wanted to know you. Your nothing like the other girls, they was a bit of fun. That night we...well it meant something to me. Hearing you moan my name drove me crazy, holding you all night as you slept made me realize I was serious about this" His voice began to crack. I couldn't believe the Dean Ambrose was talking like this. It made me feel special. "I'm going to ask you one more time and if it's a no then I will never bother you again...I want you to me mine. I'm no good at this" He cleared his throat, it was evident he was uncomfortable. "Will you be my girlfriend?"

You don't own me (A Dean Ambrose fanfic smut)Where stories live. Discover now