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Authors Note: Lol, my mom is yelling at me bc we were playing around and I hit her in the face with a pillow and it hurt her and now she's mad! Haha, hope you like this chapter.


Riley's POV•

I didn't know what to say, think, or do. Honestly, the only thing I could do was cry. Cry into Brittany's neck and tell her how much I love him and how much I hate him for doing what he did tonight.

"I don't even know what I did to deserve this, though. He promised he wouldn't hurt me, Britt! And he did." The tears are coming faster and I try to calm myself down by taking deep breaths. She ran her fingers through my hair and wrapped her arm around me with her free arm. 

"Brittany I don't know what to do and the fact that he told Natasha that I give him head disgusts me. That's our personal business." I cry. "I'm such an idiot." I sniffle and sit up, now looking at Brittany. She looks at my bedroom door and doesn't say anything. I know he's standing there but I don't want to look.

"Can I talk to her?" Marcel's voice triggers more tears but I stay quiet while wiping them away. Brittany nods her head and leaves Marcel and I alone in my room. I cover my face so he can't see me and run my hands up and down, trying to stop my tears. 

I feel the bed dip in front of me, signaling that he had sat down. I felt his large hands gently take hold of my wrists and he slowly pulled my hands away from my face. I stare at the bed, dreading the moment that was about to come but it had to. I look up and he's already staring at me with tear filled eyes. I sniffle and wipe my eye with the back of my hand. I don't feel uncomfortable, I just feel nervous and scared of what he may tell me is true and what isn't.

"I didn't kiss her." He whispered as the tears filling his eyes finally fall. 

I look away, avoiding the sight of him crying. I don't want to comfort him at a moment like this. The words keep running through my mind. About how Natasha gave him head. The thought makes my stomach turn and I feel as if I could get sick at any given moment. I've been heart broken before, and I've cried... but I've never loved a soul the way I've loved Marcel's.








All of the emotions I'm feeling and many, many more.

"I never did say what she said I said. Why would I even tell her what we do behind closed doors? She doesn't have the right to know. No one does besides us. Riley, I swear on everything, I did not kiss her. I was in the kitchen, and I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist. I instantly thought it was you and when she spoke, I stepped back and she kept coming closer and closer. I pushed her away and she pulled on my shirt and pulled me closer to her and she kissed me, and that's when you walked in. I would never hurt you, Riley. I promised I wouldn't, and I could never break a promise that I made to you, baby." He runs his thumbs under my eyes to collect the falling tears. I breathe in, the sound of my shaky breath filling the little amount of space between us.

He looks at me in aw, and signals for me to come closer to him. I scoot forward and he pulls me into a hug. He rubs my back with his hand and lays his head on mine.

"Did she really... y'know.." I ask, sniffling afterwards. 

"Give me head?" He asks, looking down at me when I look up at him. I lay my hand over his chest, feeling the rapid beat of his heart. 

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