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Riley's POV•

"Riley, I'm really sorry." Marcel apologized for about the twentieth time now. He continued to wipe my nose with the cloth and hold ice there as I sat quietly, trying to keep my composure.

"You know," I started, not meeting his gaze. "this wouldn't have happened if you wouldn't have stared at me." I tease him and close my eyes. He stayed quiet and eventually said, 

"How did you know I was staring?"

I chuckled softly and pushed his hand away to look at him. "Because I was staring at you too. You know, when you were checking me out. I blushed and quickly focused on the volleyball but then you looked at me when I looked at you and it all just went downhill from there." I laughed, thinking to myself about the way he was looking at me as if I was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen.

"Oh... well I'm still sorry that I hit you." He apologizes again.

"Stop Marcel. Maybe this is karma for what I did to Zayn." I smiled and point to my bruised nose. 

He shook his head, "Nah, he deserved it." He tells me.

The sound of shoes squeaking on the floor caused us to turn our heads towards the kitchen doorway. Jessie and... Kristen.

Jessie of course brought Kristen along. Fuck, I hate Kristen. She doesn't know that though.

I give the both of them hugs and explained to Jessie what happened with Zayn. Both of them gasped and shook their heads. I notice Kristen smiling and watch when her eyes traveled towards Marcel.

"Well I think it's sweet that you stood up for such a cute guy." She said seductively as she made her way over to him. Marcel's cheeks turn a light shade of pink and he smiles at the ground.

"So... what is your name?" She asked him, trailing her dirty little fingers up his arm.

"M-marcel..." He said, nervously shifting his weight to his other foot.

I rolled my eyes and turn back to Jessie. "Ugh, she is such a whore." I mutter quietly and I note the fact that I'm being so fake right now, which isn't like me at all.

"Dude, I know. I wasn't even supposed to bring her. She needed a ride home and your house was on the way, and I would have dropped her off first but I don't have the gas to keep running back and forth an-"

"Okay, Jessie I get it. It's fine." I say only loud enough for her to hear. She chuckles and looks over at Marcel and Kristen. They were talking about god knows what. She kept running her hands up his arms and I could tell he was uncomfortable. I turn to Jessie and frown. "Sorry, but I have to do this." I say before clapping my hands together really hard, causing everyone to jump.

"Okay! I think it's time for you two to go. Thanks for stopping by." I smile and grab Kristen's arm, now pushing her and Jessie out the door.

"Text me Jessie." I call out to her as they walk to her car.

"Text me, Marcel!" Kristen shouts and I grimace.

I shut the door and turn around to see Marcel standing by the staircase with a huge grin on his face. "What?" I ask, walking towards the stairs. He shakes his head and looks at me with wide eyes.

"She was hot." He muttered. 

I gave him a look of disgust and said 'ew' while walking up the stairs and having him follow behind me.

"What?" He asks but I ignore him and chuckle to myself.


I lay on my bed beside Marcel and stare at him while he watches Malcolm In The Middle on my TV. He doesn't notice me staring and I let out a frustrated groan. He seemed to block it out when he picked up his phone and began typing away. He's been texting Kristen for the past two hours. After Jessie and Kristen had left, I realized that my mom and Mike weren't even home.

"Marcel." I whine, causing him to look at me and he raises his eyebrows.

"Can you stay home with me tomorrow? I'll be bored all day and I will be home alone." I frown. He looks at his phone then back at me. 

"I would but Kristen and I are going to the movies tomorrow night and if I don't go to school my mom won't let me go." He explained and my heart sinks a little.

"Ugh. Excuses excuses excuses! Marcel, you're eighteen. You can stay home." I try to convince him but he shakes his head. I know I'm coming off as sort of a bitch but I enjoy hanging out with Marcel and he's the only person I wanna spend my suspension day with.

"I'm not passing up this chance, Ri." He shoots right back, turning his attention back to his phone to text Kristen.

Wow okay.

Whatever, it's cool.

It's not like we were friends first or anything.


Maybe I'm being a little jealous.

"But what about tomorrow after school? Don't you have to tutor me?" I ask with a bit of hope in my voice. He let out a sigh and turned to me.

"I've been tutoring you for weeks now. I'm sure we can take a break." He says. I lay there picking at my nail polish and staring at my fingers.

"But we didn't study the last two days or today-"

"No Riley! Why do you have to be difficult?" He snaps and it catches me by surprise.

"I'm not being difficult, I just-"

"You are being difficult. I finally have plans to do something with someone else, and that someone else is a very nice looking girl, and you try ruining it. I don't see how that's fair to me." He defends himself. I narrow my eyes at him and shake my head.

"Right, sorry that I actually wanted to spend time with you since I'm going to be alone for the next three days. But now that you have friends you want nothing to do with me." I mutter loud enough for him to hear. It stayed silent for a few seconds until he sat up and grabbed his phone and car keys. I look up and watch him walk towards my bedroom door. He turned around and his eyes met mine. I thought he was going to apologize or come back to sit down with me.

"You know.. with your nose swollen like that," He began. I look up at him and listen. "you look like a witch. And you know what rhymes with witch?" He asked enthusiastically. My heart sank and I stared at the wall instead of at him.

"Yeah... of course I do." I mumble, tears stinging my eyes. I didn't mean to make him this mad. I honestly didn't even think he would act like this.

"And what is that word?" He asks sarcastically as if he doesn't know himself.

"Bitch.." I mutter, finally one tear escaping from my eye. 

"Yeah, that's the word. Well that's what you're being." He spat before walking out of the room and slamming my door shut.

Ouch. That hurt.

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